C2 수준 단어 목록 - Astronomy
여기서는 C2 레벨 학습자를 위해 특별히 수집된 천문학에 관해 이야기하는 데 필요한 모든 필수 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a region beyond Neptune in the solar system containing icy objects like dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets


a highly energetic celestial object emitting powerful radiation from the center of a galaxy, often associated with a supermassive black hole


a distant, hypothetical region surrounding the solar system, thought to harbor icy bodies and comets

오르트 구름

the outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere, observable as a plasma halo during a solar eclipse

코로나, 태양 코로나

the apparent path that the Sun traces in the sky over the course of a year, which is also the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun


the apparent displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object when viewed along two different lines of sight, often used in astronomy to measure the distance of nearby stars


a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation from its magnetic poles


a unit of measurement equal to the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, approximately 149.6 million kilometers

천문 단위, 천문학적 단위

a high-energy particle, mainly originating from outside the Solar System, that travels through space at nearly the speed of light

우주선, 코스믹 레이

(cosmology) the faint glow of radiation spreading through the universe, believed to be residual radiation from the Big Bang

우주 마이크로파 배경

(cosmology) a theory proposing that the solar system formed from a rotating nebula of gas and dust about 4.6 billion years ago

성운가설, 성운 이론

(cosmology) a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding, determined from the observation of distant galaxies' recession velocities

허블 상수, 허블 상수

the matter and radiation that exists in the space between stars within a galaxy

항성간 매질, 항성간 물질

very small particles originally derived from stars, serving as raw material for forming planets, and existing between galaxies, stars, and other celestial bodies

우주 먼지, 별먼지

a small celestial body that becomes visible as a meteor upon entrance into the atmosphere of the earth


a disruption in earth's magnetic field caused by solar activity, resulting in variations that can impact electronic systems and communications on earth

자기 폭풍, 지자기 폭풍

the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the southern magnetic pole

오로라 오스트랄리스, 남극광

the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the northern magnetic pole


associated with the phenomena, processes, or theories related to the origin and formation of the universe or celestial bodies

우주론적인, 우주론

study of celestial objects outside the Milky Way galaxy

외부 은하 천문학, 은하수를 넘어선 천체 연구

relating to or resembling a nebula, which is a cloud of gas and dust in outer space

성운의, 성운과 관련된