ACT 수학 및 평가 - 산술 및 통계
여기서는 "estimate", "median", "divisible" 등과 같은 산술 및 통계 관련 영어 단어를 배우며 ACT를 잘하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
any number without fractions or decimals, including positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero

정수, 인티저

(mathematics) a number less than one, called a fraction, that is represented as a period followed by the number of tenths, hundredths, etc.

소수, 십진수

(mathematics) the average value of a set of quantities calculated by adding them, and dividing them by the total number of the quantities

평균, 산술 평균

calculated by adding a set of numbers together and dividing this amount by the total number of amounts in that set

평균의, 일반적인

a number that can be written as a fraction, where both the top and bottom are whole numbers, and the bottom is not zero

유리수, 분수

a number that has both a real part and a part involving a unit that, when squared, gives a negative result

복소수, 콤플렉스 숫자

any number that can be found on the number line, including both positive and negative numbers, zero, and fractions

실수, 리얼넘버

a value that, when multiplied by itself a specified number of times, results in the given number

루트, 제곱근

a statement that compares two quantities, expressions, or values and indicates their relative sizes


a mathematical expression where a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times determined by a variable


a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is constant

산술 수열, 산술 배열

a fraction where the the top number is greater than or equal to the equal to the bottom number

부적절한 분수, 부정확한 분수

the result obtained by dividing one quantity or number by another, expressed as the outcome of a division operation


a number that divides exactly into two or more given numbers without leaving a remainder

공통 인수, 공약수

(mathematics) a number divisible by all the numbers that are below the line in a set of fractions

공통 분모, 분모

the smallest positive integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions

최소 공배수, 최소 공통 분모

a statistical measure that represents the middle value of a data set when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order


to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation

추정하다, 견적하다

the number of times a particular event occurs within a specific period or among a set of observations

빈도, 횟수

(statistics) the way statistical data are arranged that shows the frequency in which the values of a variable are repeated

분포, 배포

a measure of how much the values in a set typically differ from the average

표준 편차, 평균 편차

the range within which the true value is expected to fall, accounting for potential inaccuracies in measurement or sampling

오차 범위, 오차 마진

occurring in such a way that each possible outcome has a certain probability of occurring, but the specific outcome cannot be predicted with certainty

무작위의, 우연의

a straight line drawn through a set of data points on a graph to represent the general direction or pattern of the data

추세선, 트렌드 라인

a type of statistical chart consisting of dots that represent individual data points

점 플롯, 점 그래프