Kennis en Begrip - Logica en wijsheid
Ontdek Engelse idiomen over logica en wijsheid met voorbeelden als 'hold water' en 'talk sense'.
a person's ability to make good judgments and behave sensibly

gezond verstand, praktisch inzicht

a person's ability to learn or understand something

grijze stof, verstand

natural or instinctive intelligence and common sense that comes from personal experience and intuition rather than formal education or training

natuurlijke wijsheid, instinctieve intelligentie

used when one does something even though one knows it is not sensible
the mental state of actively engaging in thought or problem-solving, often with an emphasis on creativity or generating ideas

denkhoed, denkschuilplaats

a young person or a child who talks and behaves like an older or more experienced person would