Ubrania i Moda - Składniki ubrań
Tutaj poznasz nazwy różnych rodzajów elementów odzieży w języku angielskim, takie jak „klamra”, „rozporek” i „mankiet”.
a knot tied with two loops and two loose ends, usually used for fastening shoelaces

kokarda, węzeł

a piece of metal or plastic with a hinged pin that is used for fastening a belt, bag, shoe, etc.

klamra, buckle

a small, round object, usually made of plastic or metal, sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together

guzik, przycisk

the part around the neck of a piece of clothing that usually turns over

kołnierzyk, guzik

an object with two plastic toothed strips used for fastening the open edges of a piece of clothing, bag, etc.

zamek błyskawiczny, zip

any device that is used to close or secure something, such as a zipper or strap

zapięcie, zaczep

an opening in a piece of clothing that is hidden under a fold of cloth that covers the fastening

zamek błyskawiczny, otwarcie

the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing that has been doubled back and sewn in place

brzeg, wypełnienie

the part of any garment that covers the knee

część ubrania zakrywająca kolano, kolano ubrania

a piece of fabric that is used to cover the inside surface of something, such as clothes

podszewka, wyściółka

a type of small bag in or on clothing, used for carrying small things such as money, keys, etc.


the part of an item of clothing that completely or partly covers one's arm

rękaw, sleeve

a hard protective material worn under the jersey on the shoulder of players in sports such as ice hockey or football

poduszka na ramię, ochrona ramienia

a narrow piece of cloth, leather, etc. used for fastening, carrying, or holding onto something

pasek, taśma

a small piece of wood or plastic that is used as a fastener by being pushed through a hole or loop on a piece of clothing

zatrzask, zapięcie

a long and thin string or cord that is passed through the hooks on a shoe and pulled tightly to fasten it

sznurówka, sznurowadło

the flap under the laces of a shoe or at the throat of the vamp of a boot

język, języczek

a metal device such as a hook that is used to fasten a belt, piece of jewelry, etc.

zapięcie, klamra

a clasp or a fastener that holds the two ends of a belt together

klamra do pasa, zapięcie paska

a small, shiny, flat or round decorative object that is typically sewn onto garments or accessories to add sparkle and glamour

cekin, sequin

a slit or hole on a piece of clothing that a button is put through to be fastened

dziurka na guzik, otwór na guzik

a cut or opening in a piece of clothing, such as a shirt or jacket, designed to accommodate the wearer's arm

otwór na rękę, przy szyi

a piece of jewelry worn around the upper arm, typically made of metal, wood, or cloth, and may be adorned with stones or other decorative elements

bransoleta, mankiet

the upper part of a woman's dress covering the back and chest down to the waist

gorset, górna część

a detachable accessory worn around the neck and chest area of a shirt or blouse to create the illusion of a full shirt

dicky, fałszywy kołnierzyk

a type of ornamental shoulder piece or badge worn on military or police uniforms


a strip or piece of fabric that is gathered, pleated, or ruffled and attached to a garment, creating a flowing or decorative effect

falbana, fason

a triangular or diamond-shaped piece of fabric that is inserted into a garment to add extra room or reinforcement

klin, wzmocnienie

the bottom edge of a garment that has been folded and sewn to prevent fraying, adding structure and a finished look to the clothing item

doł, brzeg

a decorative clothing accessory, typically made of lace or ruffles, that is worn around the neck and chest of a shirt, blouse, or dress


a folded flap of fabric on the front of a jacket or coat that extends from the collar to the chest

klapa, rewers

the shape or style of the opening at the top of a garment that surrounds the neck, shoulders, and upper chest area

dekolt, szyja

a type of pocket that is sewn onto the outside of a garment, usually a flat piece of fabric with an opening at the top

kieszeń naszyta, kieszeń łatka

a folded-back collar on a garment, resembling a shawl

kołnierz szalowy, kołnierz w stylu szala

a long, flowing extension of fabric that trails behind a garment, typically a wedding or formal dress, and is attached to the back of the garment at the waist or hemline

trenażer, suknia

a woman's piece of clothing worn on top fastened by a strap behind the neck leaving the back, arms and midriff bare

halter, top

a part of a garment that is constructed from two or more layers of fabric, typically located at the shoulder or waist

juk, spodnie