Lista Słówek Poziomu B2 - Monarchy
Tutaj dowiesz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z monarchią, takich jak "dynastia", "imperium", "zamek" itp., przygotowanych dla uczniów na poziomie B2.
to be the neighboring country or region next to another, sharing a line
sąsiadować, granicy
to show a lot of respect for someone or something
honorować, szanować
people in the highest class of society who have a lot of power and wealth and usually high ranks and titles
a lineage of kings who rule a country or nation over a long period of time
dynastia, rodzina
the states or countries that are ruled under a single authority by a single government or monarch
the period between the 14th and 16th centuries in Europe, marked by a rise of interest in Greek and Roman cultures, which is dominant in the art, philosophy, etc. of the times
an era in European history, between about AD 1000 and AD 1500, when the authority of kings, people of high rank, and the Christian Church was unquestionable
średniowiecze, wiek średni
a large and strong building that is protected against attacks, in which the royal family lives
zamek, twierdza
a structure or town that has been designed for military defense against enemy attacks
forteca, zespół obronny
a protective metal clothing used by soldiers in the past in order not to be harmed or injured during battles
zbroja, pancerz
the symbol of a nation, country, family, etc. that is usually printed on shields or flags
herb, symbol herbowy
a round object often decorated with gems that kings or queens put on their heads as a symbol of power and authority
a type of weapon consisting of a metal or wooden bar with a sharp head and feathers at the end
a type of weapon consisting of a long metal blade and a handle
miecz, szabla
a special design or sign that represents a nation, monarchy, etc.
emblemat, symbol
relating to the king or queen or belonging to the monarchy
królewski, monarchiczny
kings and queens and any member of their families
monarchia, członkowie rodziny królewskiej
belonging to the highest social or political class
szlachetny, arystokratyczny
the class of people with the highest social or political ranks and titles
a noble title in European countries, ranking below a marquess and above a viscount
hrabia, hrabina
(in the Middle Ages) a man of high social rank, wearing armor and riding a horse, who is loyal to his king
rycerz, wojownik
the male ruler of a territorial unit that has a royal family
król, monarcha
the female ruler of a territorial unit that has a royal family
an area or territory that is governed by a king or queen
a title used to address a king or queen with respect
Jego Wysokość, Jej Wysokość
a person who has the power to rule over a kingdom or empire, especially someone who inherits this power
monarcha, król
a male royal heir or ruler, typically the son of a king or queen
a female member of a royal family, typically the daughter of a king or queen
a man of high rank in various European countries, ranking just below a prince and above a count or earl
książę, tytuł książęcy
the practice of owning and controlling people as property, denying them basic human rights and freedoms