Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - O corpo humano
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre o corpo humano, como "anatomia", "órgão", "pomo de Adão" etc., preparadas para alunos B2.
the swollen part of the neck, particularly in men, that moves upward and downward when talking or swallowing something

maçã de Adão

any blood vessel, carrying the blood to different organs of body from the heart


any tube structure inside the body through which blood can circulate, such as a vein, artery, etc.

vaso sanguíneo, veia

the rhythmic movement of the heart while it is pumping blood

batimento cardíaco, pulso

either of the pair of bones that go across the top of the chest from the base of the neck to the shoulders

clavícula, osso da clavícula

the lower part of the body below the chest that contains the digestive and reproductive organs

abdômen, barriga

the group of organs inside the body that absorb the food and pass the waste

sistema digestivo, aparelho digestivo

a protective system in the body that defends it against diseases and harmful substances

sistema imunológico, sistema imunitário

the front part of the body below the ribs that contains the stomach, intestines, etc.

barriga, abdômen

a long, continuous tube in the body through which the food coming from the stomach moves and is passed

intestino, intestinos

a small, pear-shaped organ located beneath the liver in which the body stores a strong digestive fluid produced by the liver

vesícula biliar, vesícula

a sac-like organ inside the body where urine is stored before being passed

bexiga, saco urinário

either of the two fleshy rounded parts of the human body located at the lower end of the torso

nádegas, bumbum

the row of small bones that are joined together down the center of the back of the body

coluna vertebral, espinha dorsal

the muscular part at the back of the leg between the knee and the ankle

panturrilha, músculo da panturrilha

either of the upper or lower folds of skin that cover the eye when closed


either of the two external openings of the nose that one breathes through

narina, orifício nasal