Livro Headway - Avançado - A Última Palavra (Unidade 3)
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 3 da Última Palavra no livro do curso Headway Advanced, como "avançar", "jargão", "in the loop", etc.
a physical location, such as an office, factory, or store, where people go to work and perform their job duties

local de trabalho, espaço de trabalho

words, phrases, and expressions used by a specific group or profession, which are incomprehensible to others

jargão, termo especializado

to continue or make progress in a particular course of action

seguir em frente, avançar

the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

negócio, empresa

the process of doing something, often requiring effort, with a specific purpose or goal in mind

ação, ato

essential to the functioning or success of a specific operation, project, or system

crítico para a missão, essencial para a operação

the act of repeatedly doing something to become better at doing it

prática, exercício

benefiting all the parties involved regardless of the outcome

ganha-ganha, situação benéfica para todos

a warning or notification provided in advance to inform someone about a situation, often to prepare them for what is coming

aviso, notificação

fully informed about or actively participating in something, such as a discussion or a process
to think in a creative way in order to come up with original solutions
to make contact with someone in order to exchange information or to consult with them
in a state of being informed and knowledgeable about a particular topic or situation
to offer a beneficial or valuable contribution or resource in a collaborative setting to achieve a common goal
to start doing something with a level of enthusiasm that leads one to make progress with great speed