
Resultado e Impacto - Eficiência

Descubra como provérbios ingleses como “um trabalho mal feito deve ser feito duas vezes” e “conselhos de guerra nunca lutam” retratam a eficiência em inglês.







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Outcome & Impact
you do not fatten a pig by weighing it

used to imply that monitoring or measuring something is not enough to achieve progress or improvement, and that action and changes are necessary for tangible results

você não engorda um porco pesando-o

você não engorda um porco pesando-o

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he travels (the) fastest who travels alone

used to imply that individuals who are self-reliant and self-sufficient can make decisions and take action more quickly than those who need to consult with or depend on others

a short horse is soon curried

used to imply that a task or job that is relatively small or easy to do can be completed quickly and with minimal effort

um cavalo curto logo é currado

um cavalo curto logo é currado

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a work ill done must be twice done

used to emphasize that if a task or work is done poorly or inadequately, it will require additional effort and time to correct or redo it properly

better one house spoiled than two

used to highlight the idea that investing energy and effort into a single endeavor can yield better results than dividing efforts across multiple tasks or projects

melhor uma casa estragada do que duas

melhor uma casa estragada do que duas

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better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it

used to imply that it is wise to be prepared and have resources available, even if they may not be needed immediately, rather than facing a situation without the necessary tools or resources

melhor ter e não precisar do que precisar e não ter

melhor ter e não precisar do que precisar e não ter

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busiest men have the most leisure

used to suggest that being busy can actually lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness, allowing people to get more done in less time and enjoy more leisure time as a result

homens mais ocupados têm mais lazer

homens mais ocupados têm mais lazer

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councils of war never fight

used to suggest that too much planning and discussion can lead to inaction or delay

less is more

used to imply that simplicity and minimalism are often more effective, aesthetically pleasing, or efficient than complexity or excess

why keep a dog and bark yourself

used to suggest that if someone else is available or paid to do a task, it is not efficient or worthwhile for one to do it

por que manter um cachorro e latir sozinho

por que manter um cachorro e latir sozinho

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the worth of a thing is what it will bring

used to suggest that the true value of an item, service, or idea is determined by what people are willing to pay for it

o valor de uma coisa é o que ela trará

o valor de uma coisa é o que ela trará

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all is well that ends well

used to imply that as long as a situation or event has a successful or satisfactory conclusion, any difficulties or problems that occurred along the way are ultimately unimportant

tudo está bem quando acaba bem

tudo está bem quando acaba bem

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an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening

used to imply that starting the day early with a clear mind can lead to greater productivity and accomplishment than the same amount of time spent later in the day

uma hora da manhã vale duas da tarde

uma hora da manhã vale duas da tarde

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