Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C1 - Verbe integrale
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe integrale în limba engleză, cum ar fi „aplaud”, „bat”, „privire”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții C1.
Fișe de studiu
to move slowly and quietly, especially in order to avoid being noticed or to approach someone unnoticed

a se târî, a se strecura

to constantly move around a gas, air, or liquid inside a closed area

circular, a răspândi

to put force on something or to use power in order to influence someone or something

exercita, impune

to pass gas, liquid, light, etc. through something in order to remove unwanted substances

filtra, a trece printr-un filtru

to make something from a piece of metal object by heating it until it becomes soft and then beating it with a hammer

a forja, a modela

to have or act in an authoritative role in a ceremony, meeting, etc.

a prezida, a conduce

to have a similar appearance or characteristic to someone or something else

a semăna, a se asemăna

to forcefully or violently shut or close a door, lid, or other object

a trânti, a închide cu putere

to temporarily render an animal or person unconscious or immobile, often by hitting them on the head or using an electrical shock

stun, şoca

to create fabric or material by interlacing threads, yarn, or other strands in a pattern using a loom or by hand

a țese, a împleti

to get something back, particularly a quality or ability, after losing it

recupera, redobândi

to be the first one to do, use, invent, or discover something

a fi pionier, a descoperi primele

to enhance the quality of something, particularly by adding something to it

îmbogăți, cerceta

to reduce something to the lowest possible degree or amount, particularly something unpleasant

minimiza, reduce la minimum

to officially document all the information or events that have taken place, particularly on a plane or ship

a înregistra, a documenta

to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

a insult, a jigni

to keep someone or something within limits of different types, such as subject, activity, area, etc.

a restricționa, a limita

to put someone in prison or keep them somewhere and not let them go

încarcera, priva de libertate