Vocabular Avansat pentru GRE - Experimentează, învață și repetă!
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte englezești despre știință, precum „distill”, „eclipse”, „jargon”, etc., care sunt necesare pentru examenul GRE.
Fișe de studiu
to think about something with regard to its condition and relating information so as to understand it better

contextualiza, a plasa în context

contradictory to the expectations that are formed on common sense or intuition

contraintuitiv, neobișnuit

a quality that renders a thing or person as trustworthy or believable


to raise doubt about someone or something and make people stop believing in them

a discredita, a submina

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

distila, purifica

to make an attempt at matching or surpassing someone or something, particularly by the means of imitation

a imita, a egaliza

displaying or possessing extensive knowledge that is acquired by studying and reading

erudit, cult

true in a way that leaves no room for denial or disagreement

incontrevizibil, necontestabil

so clear or convincing that it cannot be reasonably disputed or denied


words, phrases, and expressions used by a specific group or profession, which are incomprehensible to others

jargon, termen tehnic

someone who lacks professional knowledge regarding a specific subject

laic, om obișnuit

a selection of theories and ideas that explain how a particular school, subject, or discipline is generally understood

paradigmă, model

a formal document that gives someone the right to be the only one who makes, uses, or sells an invention or product for a limited amount of time

brevet, drept de proprietate

constantly traveling to different locations, particularly due to work

peripatetic, itinerant

to consider or examine something while being very careful and attentive to detail

a examina, a revizui

probably true due to being reasonable and based on the available facts

presupus, presumptiv

to combine so much of a chemical compound with a chemical solution that the solution cannot retain, absorb, or dissolve anymore of that compound

satura, îndesa

possessing the ability to experience, feel, or perceive things through the senses

senzitiv, conștient

to prove something to be true by providing adequate evidence or facts

întări, demonstra

to find out about something, particularly by doing research

descoperi, scoate la iveală

(of a position, argument, theory, etc.) not capable of being supported, defended, or justified when receiving criticism or objection

nejustificat, neapărat