Verbe de Acțiune Manuală - Verbe pentru scris
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză care se referă la scriere, cum ar fi „draft”, „scribble” și „compose”.
Fișe de studiu
to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil
a scrie, a nota
to write a literary piece with a lot of consideration
compoziție, redactare
to write something for the first time that needs corrections for the final presentation
a redacta, a schița
to make a note of something in a hurried and informal style
a nota, a scrie repede
to record something on a piece of paper by writing
a nota, a scrie
to write something on paper, ensuring it is clear and includes all the necessary details
a scrie, a nota
to write hastily or carelessly without giving attention to legibility or form
mângâia, scrie repede
to write something hastily or carelessly in a messy and illegible manner
a scrie aiurea, a zgâria
to create content using a pencil as the writing or drawing instrument
schița, desena
to create content using chalk as the writing or drawing instrument
a desena cu creta, a scrie cu cretă
to record spoken words, notes, or any information in a written form
a transcrie, a nota
to write the words used in a movie, play, etc.
a scrie scenariul, a redacta scenariul
to provide a brief description or explanation for an image, video, or piece of content
a descrie, a subtitula
to mark or engrave a surface with a design or pattern, typically to create a lasting impression or decoration
inscrie, încis
to add notes that explain or comment on something, such as a text, document, or image
a comenta, a nota
to start a written work with a brief statement or introduction, often written by the author or editor, to provide context or explain the purpose
a prefa, a introduce
to write or say the letters that form a word one by one in the right order
a litera
to write one's name or mark on a document to indicate acceptance, approval, or endorsement of its contents
a semna, a semna un document
to complete an official form or document by writing information on it
completa, întocmi