Matingredienser - Nötter och frön
Här kommer du att lära dig namnen på olika nötter och frön på engelska som "almond", "acorn", och "pistachio".
a round, reddish-brown nut that grows on a chestnut tree, often can be eaten

kastanj, ätlig kastanj

a large fruit with a hard shell and edible white flesh inside containing a milky liquid


the sweet edible nut that grows on the macadamia tree

makadamianöt, ätbar makadamianöt

a type of nut that could be eaten, growing underground in a thin shell

jordnöt, jordnötter

a sweet oval nut with a dark brown shell that grows in America

pekannöt, nöt av pekan

a small edible seed with buttery texture harvested from pine trees

furu nöt, pinjefrön

a type of nut native to North America, known for its rich flavor and dark shell

svart valnöt, valnöt svart

a type of edible nut that comes from the Juglans ailanthifolia tree native to Japan, known for its distinctive flavor and crunchy texture

japansk valnöt, valnöt från Japan

a large, flavorful nut harvested from the Brazil nut tree, known for its rich taste and high nutritional value

brasiliansk nöt, brasiliansk valnöt

an elongated, mild-flavored nut, known for its smooth, oily texture and sweet taste

butternut, smörnöt

a type of nut harvested from the Chilean hazelnut tree, characterized by its small size, smooth texture, and distinctively sweet flavor

chilensk hasselnöt, hasselnöt från Chile

a bitter, caffeine-rich nut harvested from the evergreen kola tree

kola nöt, frukt av kola

a type of nut produced by certain species of hazel trees, known for its rounded shape and rich, buttery flavor

haselnöt, filbert

a small, nut-like seed produced by oak trees, typically characterized by its cap and potential to grow into a new oak tree

ekollon, ekollonfrukter

a type of large, flavorful nut harvested from various species of hickory trees

hickory nöt, pecan nöt

a seed harvested from the areca palm tree, typically used for chewing and is known for its stimulating effects

arekanöt, arekasfrö

the edible, flat, oval-shaped seeds that are typically found inside the pumpkin fruit, known for their nutty flavor and nutritional value.

pumpafrö, pumpa frön

the edible seed harvested from the sunflower plant, known for its small size, distinctive shell, and nutty flavor

solrosfrö, frö av solros