Boken Total English - Övre mellannivå - Enhet 2 - Referens
Här hittar du vokabulären från Unit 2 - Referens i Total English Upper-Intermediate kursboken, såsom "travel bug", "wander", "petrified" osv.
able to do things as one wants without needing help from others

oberoende, självständig

to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

erfara, uppleva

the feeling of disorientation and confusion that people experience when they are in a new and unfamiliar cultural environment

kulturchock, kulturell chock

feeling intimidated, discouraged, or overwhelmed by a task or situation

skrämd, modlös

intimidating, challenging, or overwhelming in a way that creates a sense of fear or unease

skrämmande, utmanande

causing extreme fear or terror, often to the point of paralysis or immobility

petrifierande, skräckinjagande

amazing, impressive, exceptional, or special in a way that suggests being the result of a sudden creative impulse

inspirerande, inspirerad

producing feelings of motivation, enthusiasm, or admiration

inspirerande, inspirerande

feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

orolig, bekymrad

causing someone to feel anxious or concerned about something, often due to the possibility of an uncertain or negative outcome

oroande, bekymmersam

(of weather or temperature) extremely hot, causing intense heat and discomfort

brännande, het

rain that falls in small, fine drops, creating a gentle and steady rainfall

duggregn, mild regn

(of weather or the sky) filled with a lot of dark clouds

molnigt, övergripande molnigt

to go from one place to another with no specific destination or purpose in mind

vandra, fararound

to accompany someone to their point of departure and say goodbye to them

se av, följ med till avresan

to try to make something successful, often with a significant degree of effort or determination
in a state of being actively engaged in various activities or constantly in motion, typically indicating a busy and active lifestyle
used to say that something is so obvious that there is no need for further explanation