Verb för Sinnen och Känslor - Verb för sensoriska handlingar
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska verb som hänvisar till sensoriska handlingar som "höra", "röra" och "lukta".
to unintentionally hear a conversation or someone's remarks

överse, avlyssna utan att mena det

to know about somebody or something because one has received information or news about them

hört talas om, fått veta om

to listen to a conversation or communication without participating

lyssna i smyg, lyssna in

to track something using one's sense of smell, typically performed by animals to locate food, identify potential threats, or find mates

dofta, följ

to inhale air audibly through the nose, often to detect or identify a scent or odor

sniffa, lukta

to taste food or drink carefully, appreciating and analyzing its flavors, often as part of a formal or discerning evaluation

smaka, prova

to fully appreciate and enjoy the flavor or aroma of a food or drink as much as possible, particularly by slowly consuming it

smbaka, njuta av