to completely empty or remove the contents of a space, container, or place, often thorough cleaning

tömma helt, rensa väl

to deliberately not include someone in a particular activity or event

utesluta, inte inkludera

to exclude or remove a part of an image or content, typically for a specific purpose or to enhance the visual composition

beskär, utesluta

to draw a line through a word or words to show that they should be removed or ignored

stryka ut, korsa ut

to use a sharp object like scissors or a knife on something to remove a section from it

klippa ut, skära ut

to make something indistinguishable due to a more dominant or overwhelming factor

överrösta, dölja

to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

gräla, avbryta vänskap

to take a thing or person out of a place, particularly after searching for them

fiska ut, ta ut

to remove something by using friction or a rubbing motion, often referring to pencil marks, ink, or other marks on a surface

radera, gnida

to remove someone or something from a larger group or collection

separera, isolera

to force something or someone to leave a particular location by filling it with smoke

röka ut, tvinga ut med rök

to forcefully split or remove something from their place or position, often through pulling or ripping

dra ut, ta bort