El İle Yapılan İşlemlerin Fiilleri - İşaretleme için Fiiller
Burada "bayrak", "leke" ve "altı çizili" gibi işaretlemeyle ilgili bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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to put a check mark on or near an item to show it is done or verified

kontrol etmek, işaretlemek

to draw one or more lines beneath a word, phrase, or passage to emphasize or draw attention to it

altını çizmek, çizgiyle vurgulamak

to make a picture of something using a pencil, pen, etc. without coloring it

resim çizmek
to mark a distinctive symbol, logo, or trademark onto an object or surface

damga vurmak, etiketlemek

to make a lasting mark on a surface or material through pressure or contact

damga basmak
to create marks or discoloration on a surface, usually by accidentally spilling or allowing a substance to absorb

lekilemek, kirletmek

to make a mark or spot on a surface by spreading a liquid substance

lekelemek, bulaştırmak

to stain something, usually a surface, with a large, irregularly shaped discoloration or blemish

lekelenmek, bulaşmak

to add long, narrow bands or lines of a different color or texture to an object

şeritlemek, çizgilemek

to arrange or form something in a consistent and recognizable design or sequence, often involving repetition

şekil vermek, desenlemek

to imprint a distinctive mark or design on paper or an image, often as a means of identification or to prevent counterfeiting

filigran koymak, iz bırakmak

to press or stamp a design into a surface so it sits below the level of the surface

kabartmak, çizmek

to create a raised design or pattern on a surface, typically by impressing or stamping with a die or tool

kabartmak, damgalamak