a variation of American football played indoors on a smaller field with eight players per team

arena futbolu, kapalı alan futbolu

a non-contact version of American football where players must remove a flag from the ball carrier to end a play instead of tackling

bayrak futbolu, temasız futbol

a pass in American football that happens when a player throws or kicks the ball towards their teammate who is ahead of them on the field

ileri pas, ön pas

(American football) a maneuver where a player runs along the sideline to avoid defenders and advance the ball

kenar koşusu, taciz koşusu

a rushing play where the ball carrier runs toward the area just outside the offensive tackle

tackle dışı koşu, tacklın yanından koşu

a play where the quarterback throws the ball to a teammate to advance down the field

pas oyunu, pas hamlesi

(American football) to obstruct opponents to create space or protect a teammate carrying the ball
(American football) the act of passing the ball from the center to the quarterback to start a play

snap, toplama

(American football) a successful catch of a pass by a defensive player intended for the opposing team

intersepsyon, pasın yakalanması

(American football) the act of one player handing the ball to another player, typically the quarterback giving it to a running back

devretme, pas

the initial chance for the offensive team in American football to advance the ball by at least ten yards from the spot of the last play

ilk down, ilk deneme

a chance a team has to move the football forward toward the opponent's end zone

down, deneme

a scoring play where a team attempts to kick the football through the opponent's goalposts

saha golü, field goal

(American football) a scoring play where a player carries or catches the ball into the opponent's end zone, earning six points

touchdown, skor

an imaginary line where the ball is placed before each play begins

müsabaka çizgisi, scrimmage hattı

the act of scoring extra points after a touchdown in American footbal

dönüşüm, çevirme

a play where the quarterback throws the football to a teammate to advance the ball down the field

(American football) a running play where the ball carrier runs toward the sideline to gain yards

sweep, kenar koşusu

a moment in American football when a play starts with the ball being passed to the quarterback from a set position on the field

scrimmage, oyun başlangıcı

a defensive score worth two points, earned when the offense is tackled in their own end zone

safety, savunma skoru

(American football) a loss of yardage for the offense caused by a defensive player tackling the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage

sack (amerikan futbolu), kuyrukçunun yakalaması

a defensive tactic in American football where extra defensive players rush toward the quarterback to try to tackle him or disrupt the play before he can pass the ball

blitz, baskı taktiği