
ACT İngilizce ve Dünya Bilgisi - Soyut Deyimsel Fiiller

Burada, ACT'lerinizde başarılı olmanıza yardımcı olacak "heceleme", "seçme", "susma" vb. gibi bazı soyut İngilizce ifade fiillerini öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
ACT Vocabulary for English and World Knowledge
to make up

to create something by combining together different parts or ingredients

bir araya getirmek

bir araya getirmek

to bring about

to be the reason for a specific incident or result

sebep olmak

sebep olmak

to account for

to provide explanations or reasons for a particular situation or set of circumstances



to stand out

to be prominent and easily noticeable

göze çarpmak

göze çarpmak

to revolve around

to focus on something or someone as the primary subject or point of interest

dönmek etrafında, odaklanmak

dönmek etrafında, odaklanmak

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to spell out

to clearly and explicitly explain something

açıkça açıklamak, detaylandırmak

açıkça açıklamak, detaylandırmak

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to turn out

to emerge as a particular outcome



to fit in

to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment



to add up to

to bring about a specific result

anlamına gelmek

anlamına gelmek

to stick out

to be easily noticed, often due to being different from the surrounding elements

öne çıkmak, belirgin olmak

öne çıkmak, belirgin olmak

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to swear in

to officially induct someone into a position or office, typically involving an oath

yemin ettirmek, resmi göreve başlatmak

yemin ettirmek, resmi göreve başlatmak

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to draw on

to use information, knowledge, or past experience to aid in performing a task or achieving a goal

başvurmak, yararlanmak

başvurmak, yararlanmak

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to usher in

to indicate that something is about to happen

duyurmak, getirmek

duyurmak, getirmek

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to close out

to conclude by selling off or getting rid of remaining items or assets

tükenmek, satışa kapatmak

tükenmek, satışa kapatmak

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to pick on

to keep treating someone unfairly or making unfair remarks about them

birisiyle uğraşmak

birisiyle uğraşmak

to take off

to become famous and successful in a sudden and rapid manner

birden zengin olmak

birden zengin olmak

to cancel out

to make something ineffective

iptal etmek, devre dışı bırakmak

iptal etmek, devre dışı bırakmak

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to accord with

to agree with or correspond to something

uyum içinde olmak, -e uymak

uyum içinde olmak, -e uymak

to mark down

to record or note something for future reference or action

not almak, kaydetmek

not almak, kaydetmek

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to smooth over

to make a situation or relationship less tense by calming emotions, resolving conflicts, etc.

yumuşatmak, yüzeyi düzleştirmek

yumuşatmak, yüzeyi düzleştirmek

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to pick up

to acquire a new skill or language through practice and application rather than formal instruction



to fade away

(of a person) to slowly become thin and lose strength, particularly to the point of death

rengi atmak

rengi atmak

to identify as

to define oneself as belonging to a particular category, group, or label

şu şekilde tanımlamak, olarak kendini tanımlamak

şu şekilde tanımlamak, olarak kendini tanımlamak

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to freak out

to become extremely upset, agitated, or overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, or excitement

delirmek, çıldırmak

delirmek, çıldırmak

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to zero in on

to concentrate closely on a particular matter

odaklanmak,  yoğunlaşmak

odaklanmak, yoğunlaşmak

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to build up

to make something available or usable for a different purpose

geliştirmek, güçlendirmek

geliştirmek, güçlendirmek

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to make out

to understand something, often with effort

fark etmek

fark etmek

to phase out

to gradually stop using, producing, or providing something

aşamalı olarak durdurmak, kademeli olarak kaldırmak

aşamalı olarak durdurmak, kademeli olarak kaldırmak

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to pan out

to succeed or come to a favorable outcome

başarılı olmak, sonuçlanmak

başarılı olmak, sonuçlanmak

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to put forth

to present, propose, or offer something for consideration or action

önerme, sunmak

önerme, sunmak

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to stamp out

to forcefully end something, often a negative or undesirable situation

kökünden sökmek, yok etmek

kökünden sökmek, yok etmek

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to rack up

to accumulate or obtain something notable, such as victories, accomplishments, or records

biriktirmek, toplamak

biriktirmek, toplamak

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to rumble on

(of a situation or issue) to continue for a long period of time without resolution

uzun sürmek, çözülmeden devam etmek

uzun sürmek, çözülmeden devam etmek

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to tap into

to access or make use of a resource or source of information

kullanmak, başvurmak

kullanmak, başvurmak

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to set about

to start a task, action, or process with determination and inspiration

bir işe koyulmak, başlamak

bir işe koyulmak, başlamak

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to stumble on

to find something or someone unexpectedly

rastlamak, tesadüfen bulmak

rastlamak, tesadüfen bulmak

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to stand up for

to defend or support someone or something



to single out

to focus on a particular person or thing from a group in either a positive or negative manner

öne çıkarmak, belirginleştirmek

öne çıkarmak, belirginleştirmek

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to hush up

to cause someone or something to be quiet

susturmak, sessizleştirmek

susturmak, sessizleştirmek

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to bowl over

to completely impress someone

etkilemek, hayran bırakmak

etkilemek, hayran bırakmak

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to allow for

to consider a particular factor when planning or making arrangements

göz önünde bulundurmak, düşünmek

göz önünde bulundurmak, düşünmek

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to hinge on

(of an outcome, decision, or situation) to depend entirely on a particular factor or set of circumstances

bağlı olmak, güvenmek

bağlı olmak, güvenmek

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to take up

to occupy a particular amount of space or time

meşgul etmek

meşgul etmek

to rule out

to eliminate an option or idea from consideration due to it appearing impossible to realize

imkan vermemek, izin vermemek

imkan vermemek, izin vermemek

to clear up

to provide explanations or information to make something more understandable

aydınlatmak, açıklamak

aydınlatmak, açıklamak

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to reach out

to contact someone to get assistance or help

yardım almak

yardım almak

to conjure up

to bring forth something, often from the realm of imagination, as if by enchantment

canlandırmak, akla getirmek

canlandırmak, akla getirmek

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to summon up

to bring forth a memory or image, causing one to remember or think about something

andığını hatırlatmak, zihninde canlandırmak

andığını hatırlatmak, zihninde canlandırmak

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to stave off

to delay the occurrence of something undesirable or threatening

geciktirmek, uzak tutmak

geciktirmek, uzak tutmak

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