Знання та Розуміння - Understanding
Дізнайтеся, як англійські ідіоми, як-от «light bulb moment» і «read between the lines», пов’язані з розумінням англійської мови.
to be able to show or recognize a difference between two individuals or things
a person or a thing that is easy to understand or predict
відкрита книга, прозоре ставлення
to be able to easily understand what someone is thinking about or what their intention is
to discover or determine the underlying cause of something, particularly an issue
to get an understanding of what someone's true intention is or how they feel based on what they say or write
an experience that is as very thrilling and memorable
незабутній досвід, головний трип
to frequently repeat something to someone so that they finally learn or memorize it
reacting quickly or immediately to an opportunity or situation
to suddenly realize the truth about a situation
a sudden realization or understanding of something, often an idea or solution
to provide clarification, understanding, or insight into a topic, situation, or problem