to make calm or to soothe, typically by reducing agitation or excitement

پریشانی کم کرنا, سکون دینا

to no longer be able to access a right, property, privilege, etc. as a result of violating a law or a punishment for doing something wrong

کھو دینا, تھکا دینا

to slander or defame someone by spreading false or malicious statements about them

بدنام کرنا, چوٹ دینا

to have an intense and often inappropriate desire to possess something that belongs to someone else

بہت چاہنا, حسرت کرنا

to send a case back to a court of lower authority for additional reconsideration or review

واپس بھیجنا, نیچے کی عدالت میں بھیجنا

to handle something such as a tool or weapon in an effective way

چالاکی سے چلانا, گھمانا

to criticize someone or something in a harsh insulting manner

گالیاں دینا, نقصان پہنچانا