
IELTS Học Thuật (Band 8 Trở Lên) - Sinh vật học

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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (8)

a tiny structure within cells that assembles proteins by reading the genetic instructions carried by messenger RNA



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Golgi apparatus

a cellular organelle involved in the processing, packaging, and distribution of proteins and lipids within the cell, consisting of a stack of flattened membrane sacs called cisternae

bộ máy Golgi

bộ máy Golgi

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a small, enzyme-filled sac in a cell that breaks down waste materials and unwanted substances



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an organelle that is abundantly present in most cells and is responsible for energy production

ti thể

ti thể

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a very small threadlike structure in a living organism that carries the genes and genetic information

chất sinh sắt

chất sinh sắt

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a plant cell organelle that uses sunlight to produce energy and make glucose through photosynthesis

lục lạp

lục lạp

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the gel-like, semifluid substance within a cell that surrounds the organelles, providing a medium for cellular activities, including metabolism, transport of substances, and support for cellular structures

tế bào chất

tế bào chất

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a cell that has had its nucleus removed or the cellular material excluding the nucleus

tế bào chất

tế bào chất

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a network of protein fibers in a cell that gives it shape, supports its structure, and aids in movement

bộ xương tế bào

bộ xương tế bào

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a molecule that forms the basic building block of DNA and RNA, consisting of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base



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the complete set of genetic material of any living thing

bộ gen

bộ gen

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a linear chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, forming a primary structure of a protein

chuỗi axit amin liên kết với nhau

chuỗi axit amin liên kết với nhau

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a specialized, membrane-bound structure within a cell that performs specific functions, contributing to the cell's overall structure and function

bào quan

bào quan

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a cell organelle in plants, fungi, and some protists that stores nutrients, manages waste, and helps maintain cell pressure

không bào

không bào

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a pair of small cylinders near the nucleus in animal cells, organizing cell division by forming the mitotic spindle

trung tâm

trung tâm

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a repetitive DNA sequence at the end of a linear chromosome, protecting it from deterioration during replication, and playing a role in cellular aging and cancer development



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a type of protein that plays a structural role in the packaging of DNA into nucleosomes, fundamental units of chromatin



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the observable physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism, resulting from the interaction of its genotype (genetic makeup) with the environment

kiểu hình

kiểu hình

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the tendency of an organism or cell to regulate its internal environment and maintain a stable, balanced condition, despite external changes

cân bằng nội môi

cân bằng nội môi

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the process by which the information encoded in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA is converted into a functional product, typically a protein

dịch thuật (sinh học)

dịch thuật (sinh học)

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the process by which a segment of DNA is used as a template to synthesize a complementary RNA molecule

phiên mã (sinh học)

phiên mã (sinh học)

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the process by which an organism duplicates its genetic material, particularly the copying of DNA in cell division

sao chép DNA

sao chép DNA

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an individual organism or cell with two different alleles at a specific gene locus, having inherited different genetic information from each parent

dị hợp tử

dị hợp tử

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an individual organism or cell with two identical alleles at a specific gene locus, having inherited the same genetic information from both parents

đồng hợp tử

đồng hợp tử

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a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid during protein synthesis or serves as a start or stop signal in the translation process

mã di truyền

mã di truyền

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a close and often long-term interaction between two different species living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both

sự cộng sinh

sự cộng sinh

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a single-celled, microscopic organism belonging to the group of protozoa, characterized by a flexible cell membrane and the absence of a fixed body shape

sinh vật đơn bào được tìm thấy trong nước và đất

sinh vật đơn bào được tìm thấy trong nước và đất

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the protein coat of a virus that encases its genetic material and helps it attach to and enter host cells during infection

vỏ ớt

vỏ ớt

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a green pigment found in all green plants and cyanobacteria that is responsible for the absorption of the sunlight needed for the photosynthesis process

diệp lục tố

diệp lục tố

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a type of living thing with cells that have a nucleus and other structures enclosed in membranes, like plants, animals, fungi, and some microorganisms

sinh vật nhân chuẩn

sinh vật nhân chuẩn

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an offspring of a human or animal that is not born yet, particularly a human aged more than eight weeks after conception

thai nhi

thai nhi

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a mature, female reproductive cell or egg, typically larger than a sperm cell, capable of fusing with a sperm cell during fertilization to form a zygote

kiểu kiến trúc noãn hình

kiểu kiến trúc noãn hình

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an enzyme produced in the stomach that helps in the digestion of proteins by breaking them down into smaller peptides

vị dịch tố

vị dịch tố

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adenosine triphosphate

a molecule that carries energy within cells, composed of adenine, a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups

adenosine triphosphate

adenosine triphosphate

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a simple, single-celled organism that lacks a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, such as bacteria and archaea

sinh vật nhân sơ

sinh vật nhân sơ

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