Thực Phẩm và Đồ Uống - món hầm
Tại đây, bạn sẽ học tên các loại món hầm khác nhau bằng tiếng Anh như “lẩu”, “món mulligan hầm” và “thịt bò hầm”.
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a French beef stew made with red wine, beef broth, vegetables, and seasoned with herbs and spices

bò bourguignon

a Russian dish made with sautéed beef strips, mushrooms, onions, and a sour cream sauce, typically served over egg noodles or rice

bò Stroganoff

a traditional Polish stew made with various meats, sauerkraut, cabbage, and a blend of spices

bigos, món hầm Ba Lan

a traditional southern American dish made with a variety of ingredients including lima beans, corn, okra, and meat, usually chicken or pork

món hầm Brunswick, món stew Brunswick

a thick and highly seasoned stew or soup, typically made with a variety of meats and vegetables, and often served at outdoor gatherings and events

món hầm đặc, súp đặc

a dish made by cooking chicken pieces and vegetables in a broth or sauce until tender and flavorful

hầm gà, gà stewed

a hot dish of chopped meat with chili peppers and beans, originated in Mexico

chili con carne, món thịt hầm cay với ớt

a dish of meat and vegetables slowly cooked in liquid with paprika, originated in Hungary


a traditional dish from Ireland made with lamb or mutton, potatoes, onions, and other vegetables

hầm Ireland, súp Ireland

a stew that consists of mutton or lamb cooked with vegetables and topped with sliced potatoes

món hầm Lancashire, soup Lancashire

a dish consisting of tomatoes, zucchinis, peppers, eggplants, and onions cooked together, originated in France

ratatouille, món ratatouille

a Chinese dish that involves cooking thinly sliced meat and vegetables in a simmering broth at the table, with diners dipping the cooked ingredients into a variety of sauces

lẩu, nồi nóng

a dish made by combining various ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, and potatoes, in a pot and cooking them together to create a hearty and flavorful stew

món hầm nhiều nguyên liệu, súp đa dạng

a French beef stew that is cooked slowly with vegetables and aromatic herbs until the meat is tender and the broth is flavorful

pot-au-feu, bò hầm kiểu Pháp

a thick soup or stew made by boiling vegetables, grains, and sometimes meat together

súp đặc, món hầm

a dish of small pieces of meat boiled with vegetables and a variety of spices, originated in France

ragout, món thịt hầm

a type of stew that originated in Liverpool, England, typically made with beef or lamb, vegetables, and potatoes

scouse, hầm Liverpool

a type of creamy, seafood soup or stew popular in the Andean region of South America, particularly in Peru
