
Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ B1 - Khái niệm trừu tượng

Tại đây các bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về các khái niệm trừu tượng như “attitude”, “theory”, “option”, v.v… chuẩn bị cho người học B1.


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CEFR B1 Vocabulary

existing in the mind or as a quality or idea as opposed to something that is physical

trừu tượng

trừu tượng

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[Tính từ]

all the things that are held, included, or contained in something else

đẹp ý

đẹp ý

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the way things are or have been at a certain time or place

chổ để xây đắp

chổ để xây đắp

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the typical way a person thinks or feels about something or someone, often affecting their behavior and decisions

dáng điệu

dáng điệu

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an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

cãm tưởng

cãm tưởng

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the most important thing that is said or done which highlights the purpose of something

điểm chính

điểm chính

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a set of ideas intended to explain the reason behind the existence or occurrence of something

lý thuyết

lý thuyết

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the activity or process of carefully considering something in one's mind

sự nghĩ ngợi

sự nghĩ ngợi

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the number of different things or people that one can pick from

chọn lọc kỷ càng

chọn lọc kỷ càng

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something that can or may be chosen from a number of alternatives

quyền tự do chọn lựa

quyền tự do chọn lựa

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the fact or state of not having the necessary information, knowledge, or understanding of something

dốt nát

dốt nát

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a feeling of disbelief or uncertainty about something

Nghi ngờ

Nghi ngờ

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something that one can choose or do among many other things

tình trạng

tình trạng

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a principle or idea that is abstract

khái niệm

khái niệm

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a statement made about the likelihood of something happening in the future

sự nói trước

sự nói trước

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the true principles or facts about something, in contrast to what is imagined or thought

chân lý

chân lý

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(usually plural) a set of things that allow someone to achieve their goal or live comfortably

đồ cần thiết cho sự sống

đồ cần thiết cho sự sống

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the action of allowing someone to do a particular thing or letting something happen, particularly in an official way

sự chấp nhận

sự chấp nhận

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anything that is done to make a task or process easier or less difficult for someone

đầy tớ gái

đầy tớ gái

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to make sure

to take steps to confirm if something is correct, safe, or properly arranged

trở nên chắc chắn về điều gì đó

trở nên chắc chắn về điều gì đó

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[Cụm từ]
no way

used to emphasize that under no circumstances would one do something or something would happen

dưới bất kỳ tình huống

dưới bất kỳ tình huống

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[Cụm từ]

anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs

chứng cớ

chứng cớ

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a difference, particularly an unwanted one, causing separation between two people, situations, or opinions

bất đồng

bất đồng

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in favor

used to show support for or agreement with someone or something

ủng hộ

ủng hộ

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[Giới từ]

feeling ashamed or sad about something that one has or has not done

hối hận

hối hận

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[Tính từ]

used to say that something depends on something else to happen or be true

nếu không

nếu không

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[Liên từ]
to point out

to show something to someone by pointing one's finger toward it

chỉ vào một cái gì đó

chỉ vào một cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

the process of examining the similarities and differences between two or more things or people

sự so sánh

sự so sánh

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a subject of significance or interest to someone or something

Môi quan tâm hang đâu

Môi quan tâm hang đâu

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an increase in the amount, degree, importance, or size of something

[Danh từ]

a series of images, feelings, or events happening in one's mind during sleep

chiêm bao

chiêm bao

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a very scary, unpleasant, or disturbing dream

ác mộng

ác mộng

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a statement in which one expresses readiness or willingness to do something for someone or give something to them

cung hiến

cung hiến

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sort of ~noun

to a degree or extent that is unclear

đến một mức độ nào

đến một mức độ nào

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[Trạng từ]

the way that two or more people or things are different from each other

bất đồng

bất đồng

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a group of similar events, things, or people coming one after the other

dãy liên tiếp nhau

dãy liên tiếp nhau

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the fact of owning or having something

quyền chiếm hửu

quyền chiếm hửu

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protection against harm, criticism, attack, etc.

bảo vệ

bảo vệ

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the part, position, or point of something that has an equal distance from the edges or sides

trung tâm

trung tâm

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a limit that defines distinctions or separations between particular elements, such as ideas, cultures, or rules

biên giới

biên giới

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an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

cãm giác

cãm giác

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a statement used to mean that one will definitely do a specific thing or something will no doubt happen

lời hứa

lời hứa

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