
Verbs of Causing Movement - Verbs for Changing Altitude

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to changing altitude such as "lift", "pick up", and "lower".









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Categorized English Verbs of Causing Movement
to raise

to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position

to upraise

to lift something upward

to lift

to move a thing from a lower position or level to a higher one

to lift up

to take someone or something and move them upward

to heave

to lift upward, often with a significant amount of effort or force

to levitate

to make something rise and float in the air, without any physical support or contact

to jack

to lift something upward using a mechanical device

to winch

to lift a heavy object using a specific mechanical device

to hoist

to lift or raise an object, typically heavy or bulky, using ropes and pulleys

to heighten

to raise something above its current position

to pick up

to take and lift something or someone up

to scoop up

to gather or lift something using a scoop or similar tool

to lower

to move something or someone to a position that is closer to the ground

to sink

to make something such as a ship submerge

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