
قائمة كلمات المستوى A2 - المطاعم والمواد الغذائية

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول المطاعم والطعام، مثل "menu"، و"order"، و"fast food"، المعدة للمتعلمين في المستوى A2.




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CEFR A2 Vocabulary

a list of the different food available for a meal in a restaurant

قائمة الطعام, منيو

قائمة الطعام, منيو

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a request for a specific item or service to be provided

طلب, أمر

طلب, أمر

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a dish that we can make by mixing cooked pasta with other ingredients and sauces

مكرونة, طبق مكرونة

مكرونة, طبق مكرونة

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fast food

food that is quickly prepared and served, such as hamburgers, pizzas, etc.

طعام سريع, وجبات سريعة

طعام سريع, وجبات سريعة

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a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty made from ground beef, served between two buns

هامبرغر, ساندويتش لحم

هامبرغر, ساندويتش لحم

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hot dog

a sausage served hot in a long soft piece of bread

هوت دوج, نقانق ساخنة في الخبز

هوت دوج, نقانق ساخنة في الخبز

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‌a mixture of meat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces and put into a long tube of skin, typically sold raw to be cooked before eating



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a green seed, eaten as a vegetable

بازلاء, فاصوليا خضراء

بازلاء, فاصوليا خضراء

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a seed growing in long pods on a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable

فاصولياء, حبوب

فاصولياء, حبوب

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any fungus with a short stem and a round top that we can eat

فطر, فطر قابل للأكل

فطر, فطر قابل للأكل

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a type of thin, long food made with flour and egg, eaten in a soup or with sauce

نودلز, مكرونة

نودلز, مكرونة

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‌sweet food eaten after the main dish



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hot chocolate

a hot drink, made by mixing cocoa powder with water or milk

شوكولاتة ساخنة, كاكاو ساخن

شوكولاتة ساخنة, كاكاو ساخن

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a food that is made by baking fruits, vegetables, or meat inside one or multiple layers of pastry

فطيرة, باي

فطيرة, باي

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a flavorful liquid, served with food to give it a particular taste



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a slice of bread that is brown on both sides because it has been heated

خبز محمص, توست

خبز محمص, توست

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having a very pleasant flavor

لذيذ, شهي

لذيذ, شهي

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the specific taste that a type of food or drink has

نكهة, طعم

نكهة, طعم

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(of food) recently harvested, caught, or made

طازج, طازجة

طازج, طازجة

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containing salt or having a taste that is like salt

مالح, مملح

مالح, مملح

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containing sugar or having a taste that is like sugar

حلو, سكرى

حلو, سكرى

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junk food

unhealthy food, containing a lot of fat, sugar, etc.

طعام غير صحي, وجبات سريعة

طعام غير صحي, وجبات سريعة

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potato chip

a thin, round piece of potato, cooked in hot oil and eaten cold as a snack

رقائق البطاطس, شيبس البطاطس

رقائق البطاطس, شيبس البطاطس

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French fries

long thin pieces of potato cooked in hot oil

بطاطس مقلية, بطاطا مقلية

بطاطس مقلية, بطاطا مقلية

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a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking

وجبة خفيفة, تسالي

وجبة خفيفة, تسالي

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to order

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

يطلب, يأمر

يطلب, يأمر

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to serve

to offer or present food or drink to someone

يقدم, يُعرض

يقدم, يُعرض

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the sense that we feel when we put food in our mouth

طعم, ذوق

طعم, ذوق

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having a sharp acidic taste like lemon

حامض, حمضي

حامض, حمضي

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to fry

to cook in hot oil or fat

قلى, حمّر

قلى, حمّر

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dark chocolate

dark colored chocolate that tastes slightly bitter, often with no milk added to it

الشوكولاته الداكنة, الشوكولاتة المرة

الشوكولاته الداكنة, الشوكولاتة المرة

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coffee shop

a type of small restaurant where people can drink coffee, tea, etc. and usually eat light meals too

مقهى, مقهي

مقهى, مقهي

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