
المفاهيم والمشاعر - الافتراضات النمطية

استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالافتراضات النمطية مثل "الرجال الطيبون نادرون" و"مكان المرأة في المنزل".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Notions & Feelings
a whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men

used to imply that women who engage in behaviors that are traditionally associated with men or masculinity are inappropriate and unworthy of respect or acceptance

المرأة التي تصفر والدجاجة الصيحة لا تصلحان لله ولا للناس

المرأة التي تصفر والدجاجة الصيحة لا تصلحان لله ولا للناس

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a woman's place is in the home

used to imply that women's primary role is within the household, and that their most valuable contribution to society is as a wife and mother

مكان المرأة في المنزل

مكان المرأة في المنزل

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a woman's work is never done

used to imply that women have an endless list of responsibilities and duties that often go unnoticed or undervalued, and that they are expected to prioritize others over themselves

عمل المرأة لا ينتهي أبدًا

عمل المرأة لا ينتهي أبدًا

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not choose one's women or one's linen by candlelight

used to suggest that it is essential to see things clearly without any illusions or romanticized ideas before making a significant decision

ولا يختار نسائه أو كتانه على ضوء الشموع

ولا يختار نسائه أو كتانه على ضوء الشموع

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daughters and dead fish are not keeping wares

used to imply that a daughter's worth lies only in her ability to get married and that she is a burden on her family if she remains unmarried

England is the paradise of women, the hell of horses and the purgatory of servants

used to imply women live luxuriously in England, while horses are mistreated and overworked, and domestic servants lead a challenging life

إنجلترا هي جنة النساء، وجحيم الخيول، ومطهر الخدم

إنجلترا هي جنة النساء، وجحيم الخيول، ومطهر الخدم

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female of the species is more deadly than the male

used to suggest that women are more dangerous or aggressive than men

أنثى هذا النوع أكثر فتكاً من الذكر

أنثى هذا النوع أكثر فتكاً من الذكر

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hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

used to suggest that a woman's anger and retaliation can be intense and powerful, and that it is unwise to underestimate or provoke her in such circumstances

old maids lead apes in hell

used to insult unmarried women by suggesting that they are inferior, undesirable, and destined for a life of misery and punishment in the afterlife

الخادمات المسنات يقودن القرود إلى الجحيم

الخادمات المسنات يقودن القرود إلى الجحيم

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one tongue is enough for a woman

used to suggest that women talk too much or are too outspoken and that they should be more restrained in their speech

لسان واحد يكفي للمرأة

لسان واحد يكفي للمرأة

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silence is a woman's best garment

used to imply that a woman's virtue and beauty are best demonstrated by her silence

a tidy house holds a bored woman

used to suggest that a woman who focuses solely on maintaining a clean house may not be engaging in more stimulating or fulfilling activities

منزل مرتب يحمل امرأة بالملل

منزل مرتب يحمل امرأة بالملل

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the gray mare is the better horse

used to imply that sometimes a woman can be more skilled, capable, or better than a man, emphasizing that gender does not determine one's abilities or qualities

الفرس الرمادي هو الحصان الأفضل

الفرس الرمادي هو الحصان الأفضل

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the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

used to suggest that cooking and serving food that a man enjoys is a way to win his affection and love

الطريق إلى قلب الرجل هو من خلال معدته

الطريق إلى قلب الرجل هو من خلال معدته

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six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool

used to suggest that men require less sleep than women, and anyone who sleeps for more than eight hours is foolish

a man is as old as he feels, (and) a woman as old as she looks

used to suggest that women are primarily valued for their beauty and youth, while men are valued for their experience and wisdom

الرجل كبير في السن كما يشعر، والمرأة كبيرة في السن كما تبدو

الرجل كبير في السن كما يشعر، والمرأة كبيرة في السن كما تبدو

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to not reveal a man's wage and (a) woman's age

used to imply that it is impolite or inappropriate to disclose a man's salary or a woman's age in public

لا تكشف عن أجر الرجل وعمر المرأة

لا تكشف عن أجر الرجل وعمر المرأة

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good men are scarce

used to suggest that men who possess desirable qualities such as honesty, kindness, and reliability are not common or easy to find

الرجال الطيبون نادرون

الرجال الطيبون نادرون

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boys will be boys

used to excuse or dismiss negative behavior by boys or men, with the implication that it is simply part of their nature

الاولاد سيظلون اولادا

الاولاد سيظلون اولادا

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children should be seen and not heard

used to imply that children should remain quiet and obedient in the presence of adults, and that their voices and opinions are not valuable or deserving of respect

words are for women, actions for men

used to suggest that it is men who are known for honoring their word, not women

فالأقوال للنساء، والأفعال للرجال

فالأقوال للنساء، والأفعال للرجال

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girls will be girls

used to suggest that certain behavior or actions, such as being emotional or talkative, are typical or expected of girls or women

الفتيات سوف تكون الفتيات

الفتيات سوف تكون الفتيات

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