صفات العلاقات - صفات التشريح العام
تشمل هذه الصفات السمات والصفات التي تصف المكونات الهيكلية والأنظمة الفسيولوجية ووظائف الجسم البشري.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
relating to the branch of medicine focused on the bones and joints of the body
relating to the underside of the foot, particularly the sole
باطن القدم, مرتبط بأسفل القدم
related to the body's hormones, which control different bodily functions
هرموني, متعلق بالهرمونات
relating to the small gland located at the base of the brain responsible for producing and releasing hormones that regulate various bodily functions
relating to the system in the body responsible for transporting lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells, throughout the body to help fight infections and remove waste products
characterized by or related to cysts, which are sac-like structures filled with fluid, air, or other substances
كيسي, تكيُّسي
associated with anything related to the developing fetus during pregnancy
جنيني, فُطُري
belonging to the earlier stages of growth and development
جنيني, بدائي
relating to the anus, which is the opening at the end of the digestive tract used for expelling waste from the body
related to the body and its physical aspects or characteristics
جسدي, بدني
related to or involve the use of the hands, rather than by machines or automation
يدوي, عَمل يدوي
relating to or involving an artificial leg, hand, tooth, etc. used to replace or enhance missing or damaged body parts
relating to the sense of touch or the ability to perceive objects by touch
حسي, مرتبط بالإحساس باللمس
acting as a substitute for biological or legal parents in providing care or nurturing
الأب البديل, الأب الذي يتولى
regarding neurons, which are the basic building blocks of the nervous system
عصبي, خَلِيوي
related to synapses, which are the connections between neurons where nerve signals are transmitted
related to the nervous system, particularly the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
relating to the front part of the brain which is involved in decision-making, planning, and personality
قُبُّليّ, منطقة القُبُلَى
relating to the forepart of the brain, particularly its higher functions such as thinking, reasoning, and cognition
دماغي, عقلي
relating to the skull or the part of the body enclosing the brain
جمجمي, دماغي
related to epithelium, which is the tissue that covers the surfaces of organs, glands, and body cavities
ظهاري, ظهارية
related to the skeleton, which is the framework of bones supporting the body
هيكلي, متعلق بالهيكل العظمي
relating to the carpus, which is the group of eight bones forming the wrist
كاربال, كُفّا