
العلوم الطبيعية SAT - العالم الطبيعي

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالعالم الطبيعي، مثل "burrow" و"pelt" و"shrub" وما إلى ذلك، والتي سوف تحتاجها للتفوق في اختبارات SAT الخاصة بك.




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SAT Vocabulary for Natural Sciences

an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal

فريسة, ضحية

فريسة, ضحية

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the tough outer covering or skin of a fruit or vegetables

قشرة, غلاف

قشرة, غلاف

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a long period of time when there is not much raining

الجفاف, نقص الأمطار

الجفاف, نقص الأمطار

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a drastic and sudden rush of wind

نَفَخَة, هَبَّة

نَفَخَة, هَبَّة

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the accumulation of compressed layers of snow on the ground in regions where snowfall is common

تراكم الثلوج, غطاء ثلجي

تراكم الثلوج, غطاء ثلجي

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a large woody plant with several main stems emerging from the ground

شجيرة, نباتات

شجيرة, نباتات

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a small and thin branch of a tree stemmed from another branch

غصين, عصا

غصين, عصا

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gravity hill

a location where the surrounding landscape creates an optical illusion, making a gentle downhill slope appear as if it is an uphill slope

تل الجاذبية, منحدر وهمي

تل الجاذبية, منحدر وهمي

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the upper layer of trees in a forest that creates a dense cover with interlocking leaves; offering shade and shelter in the ecosystem

سقف الأشجار, غلاف الشجر

سقف الأشجار, غلاف الشجر

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large amounts of snow falling from mountains

انهيار ثلجي

انهيار ثلجي

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a large, feathery structure or arrangement, typically found on birds, often used for display or flight

ريشة, تاج الريش

ريشة, تاج الريش

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the presence of liquid, typically water, in a state of wetness or dampness

رطوبة, ماء

رطوبة, ماء

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a storm with heavy snowfall and strong winds

عاصفة ثلجية, زوبعة ثلجية

عاصفة ثلجية, زوبعة ثلجية

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turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, etc. that are kept for their eggs and meat

دواجن, طيور المزرعة

دواجن, طيور المزرعة

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a small and young tree

غرسة, شجرة صغيرة

غرسة, شجرة صغيرة

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one or all the descendants of an ancestor

نسل, ذرية

نسل, ذرية

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wildlife refuge

a protected area designated for the conservation of wild animals and their natural habitats

محمية الحياة البرية, محمية طبيعية للحياة البرية

محمية الحياة البرية, محمية طبيعية للحياة البرية

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the child or children of a particular person or animal

نسل, ذرية

نسل, ذرية

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the dense, low-growing vegetation beneath the canopy of trees in a forest, consisting of shrubs, bushes, and small plants

الأدغال, النباتات السفلية

الأدغال, النباتات السفلية

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a hole that an animal digs in the ground to use as a shelter

جحر, مخبأ

جحر, مخبأ

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a clear semi-precious gemstone consisting beryllium, with a light blue to green range of color

أكوامارين, حجر الأكوامارين

أكوامارين, حجر الأكوامارين

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the skin of an animal with the fur, wool, or hair still covering it

جلد, فروة

جلد, فروة

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a sticky, organic substance exuded by certain plants and trees, often used in varnishes, adhesives, and incense



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the mouth, throat, or gullet, particularly of a carnivorous animal

فم, حلق

فم, حلق

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the capacity of living things for survival, growth, and sustained health



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an animal or plant with parents that belong to different breeds or varieties



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a state of deep, restful sleep, often associated with peace and rejuvenation

نَوْمٌ عَمِيقٌ, سبات

نَوْمٌ عَمِيقٌ, سبات

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characterized by abundant and rich growth

وفير, غني

وفير, غني

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safe or suitable for eating

صالح للأكل, مناسب للأكل

صالح للأكل, مناسب للأكل

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pleasantly warm, mild, and soothing

هادئ, لطيف

هادئ, لطيف

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(of a baby) born before completing the normal full-term pregnancy length

مبكر, ولادة مبكرة

مبكر, ولادة مبكرة

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to germinate

to start to grow, producing buds or branches

تنبت, تخرج

تنبت, تخرج

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to howl

(of an animal such as a dog or wolf) to make a loud and prolonged sound or cry

عوى, أنين

عوى, أنين

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to perch

(of a bird) to land and rest on something, such as a branch, bar, etc.

يستقر, يجلس

يستقر, يجلس

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to leach

to remove or drain away nutrients or minerals from soil or another substance through the action of liquid, typically water

تغسل, تنقي

تغسل, تنقي

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to roost

(birds or bats) to settle or rest on a perch or in a shelter for sleep or rest

تتخذ مأوى, تستقر

تتخذ مأوى, تستقر

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to graze

(of sheep, cows, etc.) to feed on the grass in a field

ترعى, تأكل العشب

ترعى, تأكل العشب

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to peck

(of a bird) to move the beak in a sudden movement and bite something

نقر, وخز

نقر, وخز

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to fell

to cut down or bring down, typically referring to trees

قطع, أسقط

قطع, أسقط

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to preen

to groom oneself or another individual by straightening and cleaning the feathers or fur using the beak or tongue

تنظيف, تسريح

تنظيف, تسريح

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to flutter

to move or flap rapidly and lightly, typically referring to the motion of wings, leaves, or other flexible objects

رفرف, اهتز

رفرف, اهتز

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to rear

to raise and care for a child until they are grown

تربية, تنشئة

تربية, تنشئة

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