a failure to perform an assigned task or duty without any feeling of remorse

opomenutí, zanedbání

the change in orientation of a rotating body with respect to its rotational axis

precesní pohyb, změna orientace

the quality of working toward something despite difficulties

odhodlání, určitost

the act of publicly criticizing or condemning someone

denuncování, odmítnutí

the transmission of an infectious disease or virus resulting from close contact between individuals or animals

nákaza, infekce

a diagonal formation of things, especially used in military troops

echelon, úroveň

a durable cotton fabric with a slight nap or pile on the surface, originally made in the Middle Ages in Europe

fustian, bavlněná tkanina

an adult male horse which its sex organs are intact and is used in breeding

hřebec, plemenný hřebec

a bad-tempered person who is easily annoyed and angered, usually old in age

mrzutý člověk, bručoun