Slovesa Mocenských Vztahů - Slovesa pro reakci na sílu
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa vztahující se k reakci na moc, jako je „poslechnout“, „vzdorovat“ a „rebelovat“.
to be or act in accordance with a rule, standard, etc.
přizpůsobit se, zpronevěřit se
(of a monarch or ruler) to step down from a position of power
to act in accordance with rules, regulations, or requests
dodržovat, splnit
to give up or hand over control, often a territory or authority, to someone else
ustoupit, předat
to stop resisting something and accept it
kapitulovat, poddávat se
to refuse to follow rules, commands, or orders
neuposlechnout, nemoct se řídit
to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack
odolávat, odporovat
to resist or endure the force, pressure, or challenges imposed upon oneself
odolávat, vydržet
to refuse to respect a person of authority or to observe a law, rule, etc.
vzepřít se, neposlechnout
to lead a sudden and often forceful change against a government or system that is perceived as oppressive, seeking a radical transformation
vzpourat, revoltuovat
to forcefully remove a person of authority or power from their position
svrhnout, odstranit
to remove someone from a position of power or authority, often through force or legal action
svalit, odvolat
to cause the downfall or removal of rulers or leaders
převrátit, odstranit
to join a rebellion or reject a previous allegiance, often as a group effort against authority or for a cause
vzpřímit se, postavit se
to engage in violent and disorderly behavior, typically by a group of people, often in protest or as a reaction to a perceived injustice
povstávat, dělat nepokoje
to give up resistance or stop fighting against an enemy or opponent
kapitulovat, vzdát se
to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced
ustanovit, přenechat
to accept the control, authority, or superiority of someone or something
podřídit se, odevzdat se
to transfer the possession or control of someone or something to another person or entity
předat, odevzdat
to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority
dodržovat, podléhat