
A Hatalmi Viszonyok Igéi - A hatalomra reagáló igék

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek a hatalomra való reagálásra utalnak, mint például az "engedelmeskedni", "dacol" és "lázadó".









Indítsa el a tanulást
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Power Relations
to conform

to be or act in accordance with a rule, standard, etc.

meghonosul, konformál

meghonosul, konformál

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to obey

to follow commands, rules, or orders



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to abdicate

(of a monarch or ruler) to step down from a position of power



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to comply

to act in accordance with rules, regulations, or requests

megfelelni, betartani

megfelelni, betartani

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to yield

to give up or hand over control, often a territory or authority, to someone else

engedni, átadni

engedni, átadni

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to capitulate

to stop resisting something and accept it

kapitulálni, megadni magát

kapitulálni, megadni magát

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to disobey

to refuse to follow rules, commands, or orders

engedetlenséget mutat, nem engedelmeskedni

engedetlenséget mutat, nem engedelmeskedni

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to resist

to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack

ellenáll, tartózkodik

ellenáll, tartózkodik

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to buck

to strongly resist or oppose something

ellenáll, szembeszáll

ellenáll, szembeszáll

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to withstand

to resist or endure the force, pressure, or challenges imposed upon oneself

ellenáll, tartósan van

ellenáll, tartósan van

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to defy

to refuse to respect a person of authority or to observe a law, rule, etc.

dacolni, figyelmen kívül hagyni

dacolni, figyelmen kívül hagyni

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to oppose

to firmly resist something

ellenállni, szembeszállni

ellenállni, szembeszállni

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to rebel

to oppose a ruler or government

lázadni, felkelni

lázadni, felkelni

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to revolt

to lead a sudden and often forceful change against a government or system that is perceived as oppressive, seeking a radical transformation

lázadni, felkelni

lázadni, felkelni

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to overthrow

to forcefully remove a person of authority or power from their position

megbuktatni, eltávolítani

megbuktatni, eltávolítani

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to depose

to remove someone from a position of power or authority, often through force or legal action

leváltani, eltávolítani

leváltani, eltávolítani

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to overturn

to cause the downfall or removal of rulers or leaders

megdönteni, eltávolítani

megdönteni, eltávolítani

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to rise up

to join a rebellion or reject a previous allegiance, often as a group effort against authority or for a cause

felkelni, lázadni

felkelni, lázadni

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to riot

to engage in violent and disorderly behavior, typically by a group of people, often in protest or as a reaction to a perceived injustice

lázadni, felfordulást kelteni

lázadni, felfordulást kelteni

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to surrender

to give up resistance or stop fighting against an enemy or opponent

megadja magát, feladni

megadja magát, feladni

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to cede

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

átadni, lemondani

átadni, lemondani

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to submit

to accept the control, authority, or superiority of someone or something

aláveti magát, meghódol

aláveti magát, meghódol

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to hand over

to transfer the possession or control of someone or something to another person or entity

átadni, továbbadni

átadni, továbbadni

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to abide by

to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority

tartani, betartani

tartani, betartani

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