Předložky - Referenční předložky
Tyto předložky umožňují mluvčímu odkazovat na známé informace, aby podpořil nebo rozpracoval svá tvrzení.
used to indicate the source or reference from which information, standards, or rules are derived
used at the beginning of a business letter, etc. to indicate the subject of the letter, or an email that is a reply to a received one
RE: Žádost o práci, RE: Pracovní nabídka
in conformity with or following a particular standard, rule, or guideline
podle, v souladu s
in regard to what someone has said or written
podle, v souladu s
used to indicate a connection or reference to something else
pokud jde o, co se týče
used to introduce or qualify a relevant or timely comment or topic; with regard to
pokud jde o, ve vztahu k
used to show compliance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard
v souladu s, podle
because of a particular situation or information
vzhledem k, na základě
referring to or concerning a particular topic, subject, or context
v souvislosti s, co se týče
used to indicate that something is being mentioned or discussed in relation to a particular subject, source, or context
ve vztahu k, s odkazem na
following a specific law, regulation, or requirement
v souladu s, podle
as a reaction or answer to something
v reakci na, jako reakce na
used to indicate a relationship or association between two or more things
v souvislosti s, ve vztahu k