Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Back', 'Through', 'With', 'At', & 'By' - Ostatní (Zpět)
to have origins or existence that extends to a specific earlier time
pocházet z, datovat se
to rely on something or ask someone for help, particularly in situations where other options have failed
spolehnout se na, obrátit se na
to refer to something that occurred or was mentioned in the past
vrátit se k, odkazovat na
to fail to do as one promised or agreed
porušit slib, odstoupit od
to delay leaving or staying in a place after everyone else has departed
zůstat pozadu, mít zdržení
to ask someone to return for another visit or event after they have been there before
pozvat nazpátek, pozvat znovu
to listen to or watch something again after recording it
přehrát, znovu přehrát
to reinvest profits into a business to improve or expand it
reinventovat, znovu investovat
to pass a legal case or issue to another committee, authority, or court for further examination or decision
vrátit zpět, odeslat zpět
to relax and make oneself comfortable in a sitting position
posadit se, odpočinout si
to regain the possession of a thing or person
vzít zpět, získat zpět
to secure something, particularly hair, so that it remains in a fixed position and does not hang down
svázat, seřadit
to regain something that was previously lost
získat zpět, obnovit
to drink quickly or consume a beverage in a rapid or forceful manner
sníst rychle, připít na ex
to drink a beverage quickly, often in a casual or informal manner
srazit, šoupnout
to review something in order to ensure accuracy or comprehension
přehodnotit, znovu zkontrolovat
to think about or consider past events, experiences, or decisions
ohlédnout se, vzpomínat
to review the words one has previously written, often to check their accuracy
přečíst zpětně, přečíst znovu
to think about events or experiences from the past
vzpomínat, přemýšlet o
to decrease something such as size or cost, to make it more efficient, economical, or manageable
snížit, omezit
to decrease something in number, extent, or size
omezit, snížit
to decide against doing something that was expected or planned due to fearing the possible dangers or risks
ustoupit, odstoupit
to take a position in the rear, especially in a military formation, for strategic purposes
ustoupit, přesunout se zpět
to move back, often from a challenging situation or conflict
ustoupit, zpět se stáhnout
to suddenly move backward due to a strong impact or force
náhle ustoupit, odrazit se zpět
to position oneself at a distance from an object or person
ustoupit, zůstat vzadu
to manage to reach the same level of fame or success one had before
vrátit se na stejnou úroveň, získat zpět úspěch
to regain health after an illness or become successful again after facing difficulties
vzchopit se, oživit se
to fully recover from an illness or injury
okamžitě se zotavit, rychle se uzdravit
to resist or defend oneself against an attack or challenge, often by taking action to counter the aggression or difficulty
ubránit se, odporovat
to seek revenge on someone for something they did
pomstít se, odplatit
to make a counterattack, often responding with similar force or action, especially in response to harm or wrongdoing
odvtyčit, opakovat útok