Wissen und Verständnis - Ignoranz
Tauchen Sie ein in englische Redewendungen zum Thema Ignoranz, wie „auf taube Ohren stoßen“ und „ein Auge zudrücken“.
to intentionally ignore unpleasant facts about a situation and hope that the situation improves by doing so
völlig ahnungslos
in a state in which one is not informed about important things
völlig ahnungslos
not being aware of recent information about something
wenn jemand etwas nicht weiß
to pretend as if one cannot hear someone complaining or asking one something
so tun, als ob man jemanden nicht hören könnte
(of statements, warnings, requests, etc.) to be completely ignored
wenn jemandes Bemerkungen ignoriert werden
(of information, advice, etc.) to not be taken seriously and hence immediately forgotten
etwas nicht ernst nehmen
used to describe a situation in which an incompetent or inexperienced person is advising others who have no knowledge or experience at all
wenn eine inkompetente Person einer anderen helfen möchte
(of a person) to be completely ignored, usually in a system or process
völlig ignoriert
(of something, particularly issues) to be completely overlooked
völlig vernachlässigt
to pretend that something is not happening or is not the case
Etwas verstecken
to pretend as if one cannot see or notice something
sich weigern, etwas zuzugeben
a strategy in which a person chooses to ignore or evades the truth or potential problems about a particular situation
Tatsachen leugnen
(of a person) to be neglected or go unnoticed, particularly by a social or political system that should have been more responsible
vernachlässigt werden