Verhalten und Ansatz - Nicht aufpassen
Beherrschen Sie englische Redewendungen, die sich auf Nichtaufmerksamkeit beziehen, wie „schlafend am Steuer“ und „braunes Studium“.
to get one's mind off something
to distract someone's attention or thoughts away from something, typically something stressful, worrisome, or unpleasant
brown study
a state in which one is very deep in thought and not aware of one's surroundings

tiefe Gedankenverlorenheit, intensive Nachdenklichkeit

if it was a snake, it would have bitten you
said to mean that what a person is searching for is right where they are, but they have failed to notice it
(head) in the clouds
used to say that a person is thinking about things that are unrealistic or impractical

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