
Comportament și Abordare - Fără Atenție

Stăpânește idiomuri engleze care se referă la neacordarea atenției, cum ar fi „adormit la volan” și „studiu maro”.




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English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
to get one's mind off sth

to distract someone's attention or thoughts away from something, typically something stressful, worrisome, or unpleasant

deturnând concentrarea minții

deturnând concentrarea minții

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brown study

a state in which one is very deep in thought and not aware of one's surroundings

neacordând nicio atenție împrejurimilor

neacordând nicio atenție împrejurimilor

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to give sb/sth a once-over

to examine a thing or person very quickly

examinând repede ceva

examinând repede ceva

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if it was a snake, it would have bitten you

said to mean that what a person is searching for is right where they are, but they have failed to notice it

a fost foarte usor de gasit

a fost foarte usor de gasit

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used to tell someone that the zipper of their pants is open

(head) in the clouds

used to say that a person is thinking about things that are unrealistic or impractical

fiind nepăsător de împrejurimile cuiva

fiind nepăsător de împrejurimile cuiva

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asleep at the wheel

not paying attention or not doing one's job properly, often resulting in mistakes or negative consequences

nefiind atent la ceva

nefiind atent la ceva

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