Zustimmung und Ablehnung - Uneinigkeit und Streit
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Streitigkeiten wie „vendetta“, „tiff“ und „stir“.
a situation where no argument can be settled or no one can win in a contest

Stillstand, Patt

a situation in which reaching an agreement seems impossible

Stillstand, Konfrontation

a subject or issue over which people disagree and therefore no progress can be made

Streitpunkt, Hindernis

to argue or compete with someone or something, particularly to get something specific

kämpfen, rivalisieren

to engage in a quarrel or argument with someone or something
to engage in a fight or argument with someone or something

sich auseinandersetzen mit, kämpfen mit

to separate or destroy by causing serious arguments in a country, organization, or group

auseinanderreißen, zerreißen

said to mean something is done without caring if someone gets offended or upset
a small argument between two people who love each other or are close friends

Streit, Zwist

someone with a tendency to cause difficulty, particularly by encouraging others to question those in authority

Unruhestifter, Problemmacher

having a chaotic or unstable quality, often marked by disorder or conflict

turbulent, chaotisch

a violent fight or argument between rivals over the control of a specific area or activity

Territorialkrieg, Revierkampf

(of a difference between people or their ideas) unable to be closed or made smaller because of being major

unüberbrückbar, unerreichbar

to show that one no longer likes an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

nicht mehr mögen, disliken

unfriendliness or disagreements between individuals

Unannehmlichkeit, Feindseligkeit

unwilling to support an action, idea, etc.; disagreeing with something

unsympathisch, gleichgültig

in a manner that is unkind; without compassion

unsympathisch, ohne Mitgefühl

a violent argument between two groups in which members of each side make attempts to murder the members of the opposing side in retaliation for things that occurred in the past

Blutrache, Racheakte

to aggressively become involved in a fight, argument, etc. without consideration

aggressiv einmischen, sich ohne zu überlegen einmischen

to engage in an argument, discussion, etc. forcefully or aggressively without consideration

hineinziehen, einmischen

used to say that someone has two options, either accept what has been said or leave it be
a prolonged and complicated argument or dispute, often involving a lot of discussion and disagreement

Streit, Auseinandersetzung