
同意と反対 - 意見の相違と紛争










Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement
to stand one's ground

to keep defending one's plans or opinions despite facing opposition


a situation where no argument can be settled or no one can win in a contest

行き詰まり, パット

行き詰まり, パット

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to stand firm

to stick to one's opinions; to not move back

踏ん張る, 譲らない

踏ん張る, 譲らない

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a situation in which reaching an agreement seems impossible

膠着状態, 対立

膠着状態, 対立

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sticking point

a subject or issue over which people disagree and therefore no progress can be made

対立点, 問題点

対立点, 問題点

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a situation where there is excitement, annoyance, or shock

騒動, 動揺

騒動, 動揺

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to stir up

to intentionally try to cause trouble or arguments

かき立てる, 刺激する

かき立てる, 刺激する

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involving bitter arguments and angry feelings

嵐のような, 激しい

嵐のような, 激しい

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violent disagreement between people

争い, 対立

争い, 対立

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to struggle

to argue or compete with someone or something, particularly to get something specific

奮闘する, 競争する

奮闘する, 競争する

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a contest or conflict in which people try to get something

闘争, 争い

闘争, 争い

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the moral high ground

a claim that one has moral superiority over others

to take issue

to argue or disagree with someone over something

to take somebody or something to the mat

to engage in a quarrel or argument with someone or something


a disagreement, fight, or conflict

争い, 対立

争い, 対立

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to tangle with

to engage in a fight or argument with someone or something

もつれ合う, 戦う

もつれ合う, 戦う

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to tear apart

to separate or destroy by causing serious arguments in a country, organization, or group

引き裂く, 分裂させる

引き裂く, 分裂させる

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the gloves are off

said to mean something is done without caring if someone gets offended or upset


causing problem or difficulty

とげとげしい, 厄介な

とげとげしい, 厄介な

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a small argument between two people who love each other or are close friends

小競り合い, 言い争い

小競り合い, 言い争い

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someone with a tendency to cause difficulty, particularly by encouraging others to question those in authority

トラブルメーカー, 騒ぎ屋

トラブルメーカー, 騒ぎ屋

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a state of instability, disorder, or conflict

乱気流, 不安定

乱気流, 不安定

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having a chaotic or unstable quality, often marked by disorder or conflict

乱流の, 混乱した

乱流の, 混乱した

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turf war

a violent fight or argument between rivals over the control of a specific area or activity

縄張り争い, 占有争い

縄張り争い, 占有争い

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a fight, struggle, or argument, particularly to get something

格闘, 争い

格闘, 争い

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to tussle

to struggle or fight with someone, particularly to get something

もみ合う, 格闘する

もみ合う, 格闘する

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(of a difference between people or their ideas) unable to be closed or made smaller because of being major

架け橋できない, 越えられない

架け橋できない, 越えられない

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under protest


to unlike

to show that one no longer likes an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

嫌いになる, いいねを取り消す

嫌いになる, いいねを取り消す

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unfriendliness or disagreements between individuals

不快, 対立

不快, 対立

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(of a disagreement, question, etc.) not resolved yet

未解決の, 決まっていない

未解決の, 決まっていない

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unwilling to support an action, idea, etc.; disagreeing with something

非同情的な, 無関心な

非同情的な, 無関心な

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in a manner that is unkind; without compassion

同情なしに, 無情に

同情なしに, 無情に

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a situation where there is a lot of noise caused by upset or angry people

騒動, 大騒ぎ

騒動, 大騒ぎ

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a violent argument between two groups in which members of each side make attempts to murder the members of the opposing side in retaliation for things that occurred in the past

復讐,  vendetta

復讐, vendetta

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to wade in

to aggressively become involved in a fight, argument, etc. without consideration

攻撃的に関与する, 軽率に入り込む

攻撃的に関与する, 軽率に入り込む

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to wade into

to engage in an argument, discussion, etc. forcefully or aggressively without consideration

介入する, 踏み込む

介入する, 踏み込む

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war of words

a long argument between people

one's way or the highway

used to say that someone has two options, either accept what has been said or leave it be

who says

used to express disagreement with an opinion or statement

with (all due) respect

used to politely express complete disagreement

to worst

to defeat someone in a contest, argument, or fight

打ち負かす, 凌駕する

打ち負かす, 凌駕する

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to wrangle

to have a noisy and intense argument

言い争う, 口論する

言い争う, 口論する

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a prolonged and complicated argument or dispute, often involving a lot of discussion and disagreement

論争, 争い

論争, 争い

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involvement in a prolonged and complicated argument

口論, 争い

口論, 争い

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yeah, right

‌used to express disagreement with or disbelief at a statement

うん、そうだね, はい、そうですね

うん、そうだね, はい、そうですね

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