
Describir a las Personas - Interés

Sumérjase en modismos ingleses relacionados con intereses, como "corazón y alma" y "como una polilla a una llama".




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English idioms used to Describe People
to take a shine to sb/sth

to start having feelings of attachment or fascination toward someone or something

quedarse fascinado

quedarse fascinado

to one's liking

making one feel extremely satisfied or fulfilled



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to make a fuss over sb/sth

to give someone or something an excessive amount of care or affection

Darle mucha importancia a alguien o algo.

Darle mucha importancia a alguien o algo.

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to make a beeline for sb/sth

to go directly and quickly towards someone or something, typically with a clear and focused intention, often without any delays or distractions along the way

cuando alguien se dirige hacia algún lugar directamente

cuando alguien se dirige hacia algún lugar directamente

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to love sb/sth to death

to have a strong sense of care or affection for someone or something

amar a alguien o algo hasta la muerte

amar a alguien o algo hasta la muerte

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to live and breathe sth

to focus all of one's time on a particular activity one is extremely passionate about

ser el foco principal

ser el foco principal

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to knock one's socks off

to make someone become impressed

hacer que alguien se emocione mucho

hacer que alguien se emocione mucho

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to float one's boat

to find something interesting, exciting, or appealing

mostrando interés por algo

mostrando interés por algo

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to beat a path to one's door

to have an intense desire to get something from someone or buy something from them

siendo buscado por muchos

siendo buscado por muchos

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to be wild about sb/sth

to have a strong sense of love or desire for someone or something

estar enamorado de alguien o algo

estar enamorado de alguien o algo

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to be meat and drink to sb

(of an activity) to make one feel great joy

siendo muy agradable

siendo muy agradable

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the apple of one's eye

a person that one loves and adores the most

alguien que es especialmente amado

alguien que es especialmente amado

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after one's own heart

used to describe someone who shares the same qualities, preferences, or values as the person being referred to, often expressing approval or admiration for their similar mindset or behavior

tener las mismas ideas

tener las mismas ideas

to eat , sleep and breathe sth

to be completely dedicated or obsessed with a particular activity, interest, or topic, to the point where it dominates a person's thoughts, actions, and daily life

El enfoque o interés principal de la persona.

El enfoque o interés principal de la persona.

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to get a taste for sth

to develop a liking or preference for something after experiencing or trying it, often suggesting an increased desire or enjoyment for that particular thing

empezando a gustarme algo

empezando a gustarme algo

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like a moth to a flame

used to refer to a person who is irresistibly attracted to someone or something

sentirse muy atraído por alguien o algo

sentirse muy atraído por alguien o algo

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to carry a torch for sb/sth

to feel really passionate about or interested in a particular person or thing

llevar una antorcha por alguien o algo

llevar una antorcha por alguien o algo

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vested interest

one's personal benefit or financial gain in a situation one is involved in

beneficio personal

beneficio personal

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heart and soul

with one's whole being

con pasión y compromiso

con pasión y compromiso

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to have a field day

to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment out of something

disfrutando mucho de algo

disfrutando mucho de algo

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