
Describir a las Personas - Age

Domina modismos en inglés sobre la edad, como "spring Chicken" y "long in the tooth".




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English idioms used to Describe People
spring chicken

a young individual with little or no experience

polluelo, nuevo en el campo

polluelo, nuevo en el campo

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young blood

a young energetic person that brings new ideas, enthusiasm, and vitality to a group, organization, or activity

sangre joven, nuevo talento

sangre joven, nuevo talento

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at one's mother's knee

used when someone has learned or experienced something from a very young age

knee-high to a grasshopper

(of a person) very young or very small

salad days

the time in a person's life marked by youthfulness, inexperience, and being carefree

los días de juventud, los días despreocupados

los días de juventud, los días despreocupados

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on the other side of number

used to refer to people who look older than the age they are at

ripe old age

an advanced stage of life characterized by a long lifespan and great wisdom

(as) old as the hills

used to describe someone or something that is old and has existed for a long time

long in the tooth

describing an individual who has lived for a very long time and is not able to do certain activities due to old age

hale and hearty

used to describe an old person who is still very active and healthy

silver surfer

a senior citizen that spends a lot of time using the Internet

viejito internauta

viejito internauta

old enough to be one's mother

used to refer to a significant age difference between two people, especially those who are romantically involved with one another

over the hill

beyond the peak of one's abilities or career, often implying a decline in performance

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