
Educación - Estrategias y herramientas de aprendizaje

Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con estrategias y herramientas de aprendizaje como "razonamiento", "mapa mental" y "lluvia de ideas".




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Words Related to Education
common sense

the ability to make sound judgments and think in a practical way

sentido común

sentido común


the process or action of carefully watching a thing or person, often for learning something about them

observación, consideración

observación, consideración

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the act of rational and logical thinking about something

razonamiento, lógica

razonamiento, lógica


the process of logical thinking or reasoning




the ability to comprehend or grasp the meaning, significance, or nature of something




the capacity to understand something




the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes



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the process of seeking information or knowledge through investigation, exploration, or analysis

consulta, investigación

consulta, investigación

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a collaborative technique for generating ideas or solutions through group discussion

lluvia de ideas, tormenta de ideas

lluvia de ideas, tormenta de ideas

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critical reading

the process of actively and carefully analyzing and evaluating information from a text to form a judgment or opinion about its meaning and quality

lectura crítica, análisis crítico

lectura crítica, análisis crítico

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lateral thinking

a problem-solving approach that involves considering unconventional or creative solutions to reach a resolution

pensamiento lateral, pensamiento divergente

pensamiento lateral, pensamiento divergente

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critical thinking

the ability to analyze, evaluate, and make reasoned judgments about information, arguments, or situations

pensamiento crítico, razonamiento crítico

pensamiento crítico, razonamiento crítico

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analytic thinking

the act of breaking down complex problems or situations into smaller components to understand them thoroughly and identify patterns or relationships

pensamiento analítico, análisis analítico

pensamiento analítico, análisis analítico

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the process of recording and summarizing information from lectures, readings, or discussions for future reference or study

toma de notas, anotación

toma de notas, anotación

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the process of adding notes, comments, or explanations to a text or document to provide additional context, clarification, or analysis

anotación, comentario

anotación, comentario

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a writing method that involves breaking down information into smaller sections for easier comprehension and organization

troceado, división

troceado, división

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a conclusion one reaches from the existing evidence or known facts

inferencia, deducción, conclusión

inferencia, deducción, conclusión

rote learning

the memorization of information through repetition without necessarily understanding its meaning or context

memorización repetitiva, aprendizaje mecánico

memorización repetitiva, aprendizaje mecánico

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visual learning

a learning style where individuals absorb and retain information best through visual aids such as images, diagrams, charts, and videos

aprendizaje visual, educación visual

aprendizaje visual, educación visual

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observational learning

a type of learning where individuals acquire new behaviors or skills by watching and imitating others

aprendizaje observacional, aprendizaje por observación

aprendizaje observacional, aprendizaje por observación

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mind map

a visual representation of ideas, concepts, or information, typically organized around a central topic or theme

mapa mental, diagrama mental

mapa mental, diagrama mental

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mood board

a visual tool used to collect and display images, colors, textures, and other elements to convey the desired aesthetic or mood for a project or concept

mood board, tablero de inspiración

mood board, tablero de inspiración

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a strategy used in categorizing information by organizing items into groups and providing a label for each group

etiqueta de grupo de lista, estrategia de categorización de grupo

etiqueta de grupo de lista, estrategia de categorización de grupo

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Venn diagram

a diagram consisting of circles that represent mathematical or logical sets showing shared features in overlapping areas

diagrama de Venn

diagrama de Venn

concept map

a visual representation of relationships between ideas, concepts, or information, often depicted as nodes connected by lines

mapa conceptual, diagrama conceptual

mapa conceptual, diagrama conceptual

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problem set

a collection of questions or exercises designed to test and reinforce understanding of a particular topic or concept

conjunto de problemas, serie de ejercicios

conjunto de problemas, serie de ejercicios

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manipulative tool

a physical object designed to facilitate hands-on learning and enhance understanding of abstract concepts through tactile exploration and interaction

herramienta manipulativa, herramienta de manipulación

herramienta manipulativa, herramienta de manipulación

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a memory aid or technique that helps individuals recall information more easily by associating it with familiar patterns or cues

mnemotécnica, ayuda mnemotécnica

mnemotécnica, ayuda mnemotécnica

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