
Deportes - Boxing




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Words Related to Sports
Muay Thai

a Thai martial art that combines boxing with stand-up striking and clinching techniques

Muay Thai, Boxeo tailandés

Muay Thai, Boxeo tailandés

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a combat sport that combines elements of boxing and kicking techniques

kickboxing, boxeo tailandés

kickboxing, boxeo tailandés

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a French form of kickboxing that incorporates both punches and kicks



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a dynamic style of kickboxing emphasizing diverse striking techniques, originating in Japan and known for high-level competitions

K-1, k-1

K-1, k-1

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a quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand to create distance

golpe rápido, directo

golpe rápido, directo

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(boxing) a straight punch thrown with the rear hand, usually aimed straight at the opponent's head or body

cross, golpe recto

cross, golpe recto

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(boxing) a powerful punch thrown with a bent arm aimed at connecting with the side or front of an opponent's head or body

gancho, golpe de gancho

gancho, golpe de gancho

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(boxing) a powerful punch thrown from below, aimed upward toward the opponent's chin or body

uppercut, puñetazo ascendente

uppercut, puñetazo ascendente

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body punch

(boxing) a strike aimed at the opponent's torso area, typically the ribs or abdomen

puñetazo al cuerpo, golpe al torso

puñetazo al cuerpo, golpe al torso

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roundhouse kick

(Muay Thai) a powerful strike where the fighter pivots on one foot while swinging the other leg horizontally to hit the opponent with the shin or foot

patada circular, golpe de roundhouse

patada circular, golpe de roundhouse

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bob and weave

a defensive technique in boxing to dodge punches and set up counterattacks

esquivar y balancearse, movimiento evasivo

esquivar y balancearse, movimiento evasivo

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to block

to obstruct or hinder the progress or action of an opponent, typically in sports or competitive activities

bloquear, obstruir

bloquear, obstruir

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head movement

the strategic shifting or dodging of the head in boxing to avoid incoming strikes from an opponent

movimiento de cabeza, desplazamiento de cabeza

movimiento de cabeza, desplazamiento de cabeza

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check hook

a punching technique where a boxer throws a hook while moving backward or sideways to counter an opponent's attack

gancho de verificación, gancho de contra

gancho de verificación, gancho de contra

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low kick

a striking technique in kickboxing targeting an opponent's thigh or lower leg

patada baja, patada a la pierna

patada baja, patada a la pierna

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the situation where the referee ends the fight early due to one boxer's inability to continue safely

detención, parada

detención, parada

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a situation where one fighter delivers a punch or series of punches that disable their opponent of fighting in that match, leading to an immediate victory

nocaut, knockout

nocaut, knockout

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knockout punch

a powerful strike that makes an opponent unconscious or unable to continue the fight, resulting in an immediate victory for the delivering boxer

golpe definitivo, golpe de nocaut

golpe definitivo, golpe de nocaut

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technical knockout

a situation that occurs when a referee stops a fight because one fighter is unable to continue due to injury

nocaut técnico, parada técnica

nocaut técnico, parada técnica

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split decision

a situation where two of the three judges score the bout in favor of one boxer, while the third judge scores it in favor of the other boxer

decisión dividida, decisión a favor de uno

decisión dividida, decisión a favor de uno

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a training exercise where a boxer practices their technique, footwork, and movement without an opponent, often visualizing an imaginary opponent or scenarios

sombra, boxeo en sombra

sombra, boxeo en sombra

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a controlled practice session where boxers simulate a real fight, focusing on technique, timing, and strategy without aiming to knock out their opponent

sparring, sesión de entrenamiento de boxeo

sparring, sesión de entrenamiento de boxeo

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the long-distance running or jogging done by boxers to build stamina and endurance

correr largas distancias, entrenamiento de resistencia

correr largas distancias, entrenamiento de resistencia

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a defensive style where the boxer holds their gloves close to their cheeks to protect their face while maintaining mobility

guardia peekaboo, estilo peekaboo

guardia peekaboo, estilo peekaboo

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southpaw stance

a left-handed fighting position where the boxer's right hand and right foot are forward

posición de zurdo, posición southpaw

posición de zurdo, posición southpaw

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orthodox stance

a stance where a boxer's left hand and left foot are forward, with the right hand and right foot positioned behind

posición ortodoxa, estilo ortodoxo

posición ortodoxa, estilo ortodoxo

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the preliminary boxing matches that precede the main event

cartelera preliminar, combate preliminar

cartelera preliminar, combate preliminar

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Queensberry rules

the standard regulations for modern boxing matches

reglas de Queensberry

reglas de Queensberry

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a professional boxing match where boxers compete for a cash prize

pelea por el premio, combate profesional

pelea por el premio, combate profesional

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teep kick

a push kick used in Muay Thai and other martial arts to create distance or disrupt an opponent's balance

patada teep, patada de empuje

patada teep, patada de empuje

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(boxing) a quick maneuver to separate from an opponent, typically from a clinch, aimed at gaining advantage or creating space

desprendimiento, escape

desprendimiento, escape

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a defensive tactic where a boxer responds to an opponent's attack by immediately delivering a punch of their own

contraataque, respuesta

contraataque, respuesta

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an event where individuals compete in the sport of boxing

combate, lucha de boxeo

combate, lucha de boxeo

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