خطر - درخواست مشکل
کشف کنید که اصطلاحات انگلیسی مانند "بادبان نزدیک به باد" و "بازی با آتش" چگونه با درخواست مشکل در زبان انگلیسی مرتبط هستند.
to be the one who shows courage and does something risky that benefits all members of a group
خود را برای دیگران به خطر انداختن
a risk or brave act taken without considering the consequences
کار پرمخاطره
to continue to take risks because one has not faced any consequences so far
بیشازحد ریسک کردن
to do something that is dangerous, improper, or possibly illegal
ریسک کردن
to behave in a way that is risky, dangerous, or reckless
بیاحتیاطی کردن
to do something that is very likely to result in trouble or difficulty
دنبال دردسر بودن
to knowingly do what can get one into trouble
تن کسی (برای دردسر) خاریدن
to have a life that involves one facing a lot of danger and taking great risks
زندگی پرریسکی داشتن