
Difficulté - Faire des problèmes

Explorez les expressions idiomatiques anglaises liées aux fauteurs de troubles, notamment « cross the Bear » et « recipe for catastrophe ».







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English idioms related to Difficulty
apple of discord

a thing that is the source of a trouble, particularly by making people argue over it

source de la querelle ou de la dispute

source de la querelle ou de la dispute

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to dig oneself into a hole

to do something that gets oneself stuck into a difficulty

s'enfoncer dans un trou

s'enfoncer dans un trou

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recipe for disaster

something that most likely results in great problems

chose gênante

chose gênante

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to rock the boat

to provoke problems with something that one does or says

causer des problèmes dans une situation particulière

causer des problèmes dans une situation particulière

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can of worms

something that when someone tries to deal with it causes many problems

cas problématique

cas problématique

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the fat is in the fire

said when an action has inevitable consequences

il est trop tard pour agir

il est trop tard pour agir

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hornet's nest

a situation that is very difficult or unpleasant to be in, often because people are really angry or upset over something

situation difficile ou désagréable

situation difficile ou désagréable

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cross to bear

a difficult situation that one cannot change or escape from

problème inévitable

problème inévitable

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more kicks than halfpence

a situation in which a person is subjected to more trouble instead of a positive outcome

personne gênante

personne gênante

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through the mill

in a situation that is extremely difficult to go through

dans une situation difficile ou problématique

dans une situation difficile ou problématique

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shit hit the fan

used for stating that a lot of problems and arguments will occur when someone becomes aware of something

bane of one's life

a person or thing that brings one misfortune or unhappiness

source de malheur ou de malchance

source de malheur ou de malchance

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the fat hit the fire

used to describe a situation that was already bad has suddenly become worse

quand la situation devient incontrôlable

quand la situation devient incontrôlable

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to spell trouble

to indicate or suggest that a situation or action is likely to lead to problems

étant potentiellement gênant

étant potentiellement gênant

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