
Décrire les Qualités - Utilité et valeur

Maîtrisez les expressions anglaises concernant l'utilité et la valeur, comme « mort comme un dodo » et « vaut la bougie ».







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English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
better than nothing

used to say that having a particular thing that is considered lesser or lower in quality or worth is more preferable than having nothing at all

like gold dust

(of something valuable and desirable) extremely difficult to get, particularly due to a lot of people desiring it as well

alive and well

(of something) still successful, prosperous, or popular

bien vivant

bien vivant

in hand

used to refer to something that is almost ready and can be put to use when needed

treasure trove

a thing or a set of things considered very dear or valuable to one

trésor inestimable, collection précieuse

trésor inestimable, collection précieuse

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(as) dead as a dodo

not as popular or interesting as before

(as) dead as mutton

not functional or in general use anymore

out of date

no longer useful or fashionable

ad hoc

done for a specific purpose or situation



worth the candle

(of an achievement) completely worth all the effort one puts in or all the trouble one goes through

dead and buried

(of a thing) cannot happen or exist again in the future, due to being completely finished in the past

up to the mark

used to refer to someone or something that is good enough to meet a certain requirement or expectation

rough and ready

simple but good enough to fulfill a particular need or purpose

mumbo jumbo

complicated activities, rituals, or words that lack any real purpose

charabia, nonsense

charabia, nonsense

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crowning glory

the most important or the greatest part of something

la plus grande réussite, le summum

la plus grande réussite, le summum

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(as) useful as a chocolate teapot

completely useless or ineffective for its intended purpose

behind the times

(of a thing) outdated or no longer relevant to current trends or technology

old chestnut

a joke, story, or topic of discussion that has become repetitive and uninteresting

une vieille rengaine, un vieux sujet

une vieille rengaine, un vieux sujet

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up to speed

having reached the desired level of knowledge, understanding, or proficiency in a particular subject, skill, or task

black gold

used to describe petroleum or oil due to its immense value and economic significance

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