Architecture et Construction - Types de Structures
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux différents types de structures tels que « barrage », « stade » et « moulin à vent ».
a small structure with closed sides in which people can make a phone, vote, etc. in private

a large, imposing building, especially one that is impressive in size or appearance

a huge wall built to keep water from entering an area or to contain and use it as a power source to produce electricity

a structure that is designed to be easily transported or moved from one location to another, providing temporary or mobile accommodation, workspace, or storage solutions

bâtiment portable, structure mobile

the largest and most important church of a specific area, which is controlled by a bishop

a very large, often roofless, structure where sports events, etc. are held for an audience

a large, tall building with long blades, called sails, that uses wind power to make flour out of grain or pump water

moulin, moulin à vent
a small, separate building located outside of a main residence, traditionally used as a toilet or restroom facility, typically containing a simple pit or composting system

cabane de toilette, toilette extérieure

a simple and small cottage-like building that is built to store things or shelter animals

abri de jardin, cabane, cabanon
a tall, cylindrical structure typically used for storing and preserving bulk quantities of grain, seeds, or other agricultural products, often found on farms or in agricultural settings


a temporary structure, such as a tent or stand, in which exhibitions and public events are held

a structure built over a river, road, etc. that enables people or vehicles to go from one side to the other

a tall and often narrow building that stands alone or is part of a castle, church, or other larger buildings

a large, tall, and round building that cools down water for industrial purposes

tour de refroidissement
a building in which sea creatures, such as fish, sharks, etc., are kept and displayed for the public

a glass structure used for growing plants in and protecting them from cold weather

a structure or building with niches or compartments designed to hold the cremated remains of deceased individuals, serving as a final resting place or memorial

columbarium, reposoir

a grand above-ground structure used for entombing the deceased or as a memorial

a public monument built to honor the people who died in a war and are buried elsewhere

a tall column made of stone with four sides and a pyramid-like top, used as a monument to honor an important event or person

a building used for worshiping one or several gods, used by some religious communities, especially Buddhists and Hindus

a group of buildings that are related or designed to function together, typically sharing common features or purpose

ensemble immobilier, complexe immobilier

a small building with a high ceiling that is primarily used to provide a covered space for coaches and carriages when they are not in use

remise à calèches
a structure or shelter specifically designed for storing firewood or logs

abri à bois, cabane à bois

a passage dug through or under a mountain or a structure, typically for cars, trains, people, etc.

a small outdoor structure or building used for storing and organizing tools, equipment, and other items typically used for gardening, maintenance, or DIY projects

abri à outils, cabane à outils

a heated building that is made of glass and is used for growing in plants that need warm weather
