Humanités ACT - Causalité et intentionnalité
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés à la causalité et à l'intentionnalité, tels que « incur », « premise », « reluctant », etc. qui vous aideront à réussir vos ACT.
something that triggers a reaction in various areas like psychology or physiology
the core principles or base upon which something is started, developed, calculated, or explained
fondement, base
a set of opinions, motives, or ideas that serve as a foundation of an argument, claim, etc.
a theory or statement that acts as the foundation of an argument
prémisse, hypothèse, postulat
the result or consequence that follows from a previous action, event, or situation
résultat, conséquence
to serve as the foundation or primary cause for something
sous-tendre, être à la base de
to bring about or accelerate the occurrence of something, often resulting in unexpected or unfavorable consequences
précipiter, engendrer
to make someone react in a certain way or reveal information
to put force on something or to use power in order to influence someone or something
to make something required due to specific circumstances
nécessiter, rendre nécessaire
to face consequences as a result of one's own actions
encourir, faire face à
to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.
être le fer de lance de, mener
serving as a clear sign or signal of something
révélateur, symptomatique
leading to the desired goal or result by providing the right conditions
a sudden strong urge or desire to do something, often without thinking or planning beforehand
impulsion, élan
the act of refusing to accept or obey something such as a plan, law, or change
not welcoming or willing to do something because it is undesirable
tending to act on impulse or in the moment, without much planning or considering the consequences or potential risks of their actions
spontané, impulsif
characterized by lacking purpose or reason, often resulting in confusion or disbelief
insensé, absurde
happening without being planned or deliberately caused
involontaire, non intentionnel
without conscious control or will
involontairement, sans le vouloir
in a manner that was planned and purposeful
délibérément, intentionnellement
in an accidental or unaware manner
inadvertamment, accidentellement
willingly and decisively without a pause
rapidement, immédiatement, vite
without realization or a particular purpose
involontairement, à son insu
in a manner that shows a lack of thought or consideration
sans réfléchir, irréfléchiment
in a deliberate and intentional manner
délibérément, intentionnellement