
B2 Szintű Szólista - Bűnözés és erőszak

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a bűnözésről és az erőszakról, mint például "bombázás", "zsebtolvaj", "betörés" stb., amelyek a B2-es tanulók számára készültek.









Indítsa el a tanulást
CEFR B2 Vocabulary
to capture

to catch an animal or a person and keep them as a prisoner

elfogni, megfogni

elfogni, megfogni

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to expose

to publicly reveal something that was previously hidden or unknown

felfed, megmutat

felfed, megmutat

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to get away with

to escape punishment for one's wrong actions

megúszni, büntetlenül megúszni

megúszni, büntetlenül megúszni

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to monitor

to secretly listen to a phone conversation between individuals in order to gain specific information

figyelni, lehallgatni

figyelni, lehallgatni

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to pursue

to go after someone or something, particularly to catch them

űzni, kergetni

űzni, kergetni

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to resist

to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack

ellenáll, tartózkodik

ellenáll, tartózkodik

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to sentence

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

ítélni, elítélni

ítélni, elítélni

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to traffic

to illegally trade something

csempészni, illegálisan kereskedni

csempészni, illegálisan kereskedni

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to witness

to see an act of crime or an accident

tanúskodik, szemtanúként jelen lenni

tanúskodik, szemtanúként jelen lenni

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the legal act of capturing someone and taking them into custody by law enforcement



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bulletproof vest

a piece of protective clothing worn to shield against bullets and keep the wearer safe from injury

golyaálló mellény, páncélozott mellény

golyaálló mellény, páncélozott mellény

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community service

unpaid work done either as a form of punishment by a criminal or as a voluntary service by a citizen

közösségi munka, közszolgálat

közösségi munka, közszolgálat

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a very small enclosed space in which a prisoner is kept

sejt, cell

sejt, cell

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a place where criminals are put into by law as a form of punishment for their crimes

börtön, fogház

börtön, fogház

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life sentence

the punishment in which an individual is made to stay in jail for the rest of their life, typically for committing a serious crime

életfogytiglani börtönbüntetés, életfogytiglan

életfogytiglani börtönbüntetés, életfogytiglan

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an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system

bűncselekmény, bűntett

bűncselekmény, bűntett

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someone who has personally seen of an object, event, etc. and can describe it

szemtanú, tanú

szemtanú, tanú

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someone who has done an illegal act

bűnöző, törvénysértő

bűnöző, törvénysértő

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drug dealer

an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.

kábítószerkereskedő, drogdealer

kábítószerkereskedő, drogdealer

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a criminal who deceives people for financial interest or personal advantage

csalás, csaló

csalás, csaló

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a group of criminals who work together

banda, csoport

banda, csoport

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a criminal who steals money or other goods from people's pockets or bags

zsebtolvaj, zsebtolvajlás

zsebtolvaj, zsebtolvajlás

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the act of using bombs, especially by terrorists to cause harm, damage, or fear in a population

bombázás, robbantás

bombázás, robbantás

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the crime of entering a building to commit illegal activities such as stealing, damaging property, etc.

betörés, lopás

betörés, lopás

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drunk driving

the act of driving a vehicle such as a car while being drunk

ittas vezetés, alkoholos vezetés

ittas vezetés, alkoholos vezetés

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identity theft

the illegal use of someone's name and personal information without their knowledge, particularly to gain money or goods

személyazonosság-lopás, személyazonosság visszaélés

személyazonosság-lopás, személyazonosság visszaélés

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the crime of stealing money or goods from someone or somewhere, especially by violence or threat

rablás, lopás

rablás, lopás

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the action of firing a gun toward a person or group

lövés, tüzelés

lövés, tüzelés

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the crime of taking goods from a store without paying for them

bolti lopás, shoplifting

bolti lopás, shoplifting

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the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power



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the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization

vandalizmus, rombolás

vandalizmus, rombolás

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a crime that is intentionally directed toward a person or thing to hurt, intimidate, or kill them

erőszak, támadás

erőszak, támadás

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to break out

to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison

megszökik, elmenekül

megszökik, elmenekül

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to hang

to kill a person by holding them in the air with a rope tied around their neck

felakasztani, kivégezni felakasztással

felakasztani, kivégezni felakasztással

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an escape from a place, typically where one is being held against their will

szökés, menekülés

szökés, menekülés

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a type of drug derived from the dried leaves and flowers of a plant called Cannabis or Marijuana, which is illegal in many countries

fű, marihuána

fű, marihuána

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someone, particularly a police officer, whose job consists of dealing with the illegal use, production, or distribution of drugs

drogherceg, drogellenes rendőr

drogherceg, drogellenes rendőr

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feeling or acting unusually different due to the influence of alcohol, marijuana, etc.

betépett, ittas

betépett, ittas

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to trip

to experience a powerful and sometimes unusual change in one's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions as a result of taking drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms

tripelni, utazni

tripelni, utazni

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a special device used by the police, which analyzes the content of a driver's breath to determine how much alcohol they have consumed

alkoholos lélegzetvizsgáló, alkotester

alkoholos lélegzetvizsgáló, alkotester

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to disobey

to refuse to follow rules, commands, or orders

engedetlenséget mutat, nem engedelmeskedni

engedetlenséget mutat, nem engedelmeskedni

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to lock away

to put a person in a place where they can not escape from, such as a psychiatric hospital or prison

bezárni, elzárni

bezárni, elzárni

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dead to rights

in a situation where there is clear proof of one's crime or wrongdoing


a dishonest or illegal way of gaining money

csalás, átverés

csalás, átverés

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the scientific techniques that help police solve crimes

hampel, bűnügyi tudományok

hampel, bűnügyi tudományok

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to scam

to get money from people by using dishonest or illegal methods

rábízni, csalni

rábízni, csalni

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