Könyv: Headway - Haladó - 4. egység
Itt megtalálja a Headway Advanced tankönyv 4. részében található szókincset, mint például a „hoax”, „elveszett ügy”, „ágyhoz kötött” stb.
a thing or person that is impossible to improve or succeed
elveszett ügy, reménytelen ügy
the final and decisive event or action that pushes someone beyond their tolerance or patience, leading to a significant reaction or decision
a situation that is hard to define or categorize and therefore unclear
szürke terület, homályos zóna
to create equal opportunities for all individuals or groups, regardless of their background or circumstances
a situation where a small initial action or decision leads to a chain of events that ultimately results in a more significant and often negative outcome
csúszós lejtő, veszélyes helyzet
a phone call that is made at a particular time to wake someone up, at their request, for example in a hotel
ébredő hívás, felébredés hívás
a delicate distinction between two things, particularly two apparently similar situations or concepts
a strong urge to travel or leave somewhere
viszkető lábak, utazási vágy
an attempt made without having any high hopes of achieving success
hosszú távú kísérlet, valószínűtlen próbálkozás
a treatment that is not fair or equal
tisztességtelen alku, rossz megállapodás
a sensitive or vulnerable topic or issue that causes discomfort, distress, or irritation when discussed or mentioned
érzékeny téma, fájó pont
the act of imagining or hoping for something to be true, despite there being little or no evidence or likelihood of it actually happening
vágyálmodozás, álomvilág
something that is so certain to happen that it can be considered inevitable, regardless of what actions are taken to prevent it
elkerülhetetlen következtetés, megerősített következtetés
an option or solution that is only chosen when every other alternative has failed
végső megoldás, utolsó lehetőség
used to state that one has adopted a different opinion
a redeeming quality or factor that prevents a situation or outcome from being completely negative or disastrous
megmentő kiválóság, üdvözítő tényező
something that has both advantages and disadvantages, making it both positive and negative
vegyes áldás, kétélű áldás
the state in which one loses all one's confidence and willingness to continue doing something
hideg lábak, tétovázás
addicted or extremely enthusiastic about something
függő, lelkes
a loud, sustained noise or shout of disapproval, protest, or outrage
kiáltás, tiltakozás
the belief that the human spirit or soul can survive after death and communicate with the living
spiritualizmus, spirituáliság
a fraudulent or deceptive act or scheme intended to trick or fool people
csalás, kacsa
having to stay in bed, usually for a long time, due to illness or injury
ágyhoz kötött, ágyban fekvő
a pair of rings made of metal with a chain attached to them, used for putting on the wrists of prisoners
bilincs, készenléti bilincs
to disregard something as unimportant or unworthy of consideration
elvetni, figyelmen kívül hagyni
to resist or endure the force, pressure, or challenges imposed upon oneself
ellenáll, tartósan van
(of an illness) suddenly becoming severe but for a short time
heveny, éles
(of a person) to fall and usually become unconscious due to illness
összeesni, elájulni
putting someone or something at a disadvantage
kedvezőtlen, rossz előjelű
caring and attentive to the needs, feelings, or well-being of others
figyelmes, törődő
behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional
excentrikus, szokatlan
beyond what is ordinary, expected, and indicating the inference of supernatural powers
kísérteties, szokatlan
the process of using general rules or ideas to make a specific conclusion
having doubts about something's truth, validity, or reliability