Egészség és Betegség - Bőrbetegségek és -problémák
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a bőrbetegségekkel és -problémákkal kapcsolatban, mint például "akne", "rosacea" és "lupus".
a skin condition in which small red spots appear on the face or the neck, mainly affecting teenagers

akne, pattanás

a rare disease where painful blisters form on the skin and inside the mouth due to the body's immune system attacking healthy cells

pemfigusz, pemfigusz (betegség)

an autoimmune condition characterized by the sudden onset of hair loss in well-defined patches on the scalp or other parts of the body

areata alopecia

a chronic skin disorder causing thick, red, and scaly patches due to rapid skin cell overproduction

psoriasis, psoriasis (betegség)

a chronic skin condition causing red, itchy rashes often starting in childhood

atopikus dermatitis, ekcéma

a condition characterized by episodic narrowing of the blood vessels in the fingers and toes, resulting in reduced blood flow and color changes in the affected areas

Raynaud-fenomenon, Raynaud-szindróma

raised, itchy welts on the skin, often triggered by factors like allergies or stress

csalánkiütés, vörheny

a genetic skin condition characterized by blistering and fragility of the skin

bulózus epidermolízis

a chronic skin condition that causes redness, swelling, and small bumps similar to acne


a chronic skin condition that causes painful, inflamed nodules and abscesses in the skin's sweat glands

hidradenitis suppurativa, hidradenitis suppurativa

a rare autoimmune disease that causes skin and tissue hardening, affecting internal organs


a skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation, resulting in white patches on the skin due to the destruction of melanocytes


a genetic skin disorder characterized by the formation of thick, dry, and scaly skin, often resembling fish scales

ichtyosis, halpikkelyes bőrbetegség

a rare genetic disorder that affects the nails and can cause thickened, abnormally shaped nails, as well as other skin and oral abnormalities

pachyonychia congenita, öröklődő pachyonychia

a small, painful blister that typically appears on or around the lips, caused by the herpes simplex virus

herpesz, lázas hólyag

a swollen area on the skin filled with liquid, caused by constant rubbing or by burning

hólyag, bőrkeményedés

a rough, scaly patch on the skin caused by too much sun exposure and could turn into skin cancer

aktinikus keratózis, napkeratózis

a painful, swollen cluster of connected boils on the skin, typically caused by a bacterial infection

karbunculus, furunkulus

a very common skin condition that causes one's skin to become dry, red, itchy, and bumpy


a serious injury resulting from excessive exposure to severely cold weather or things, causing the freezing of the nose, toes, fingers, etc.

fagyás, fagyásos sérülés

a bacterial skin infection causing redness, swelling, and tenderness due to a skin break

cellulitis, bakteriális bőrfertőzés

a chronic autoimmune disease causing inflammation and diverse symptoms like joint pain and skin rashes

lupus, lupus erythematosus

a skin condition causing brown or gray-brown patches, often on the face, linked to hormonal changes or sun exposure


skin inflammation caused by contact with irritants or allergens, resulting in redness, itching, and in some cases blistering

kontakt dermatitis, kontakt ekcéma

a long-term skin condition causing red, itchy, and flaky patches, commonly on the scalp and face

seborrheás ekcéma, seborrheás dermatitis

a skin condition causing small, rough bumps on arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks

keratosis pilaris, szőrtüsző-keratózis

a contagious fungal infection of the skin or scalp, characterized by circular, red, and itchy rashes with a raised, defined border

gyűrűsférgesség, bőrgomba

a contagious bacterial skin infection causing red sores that turn into yellowish-brown crusts


a viral infection causing painful sores, often around the genital or oral areas, due to the herpes simplex virus


injuries to areas of skin and underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of prolonged pressure on the skin

fekély, nyomásfekély

a condition characterized by inflammation and cracks at the corners of the mouth, often caused by a combination of factors including infection, dryness, and nutritional deficiencies

sarkalékelési gyulladás, szájszélek gyulladása

a general term referring to inflammation of the skin, often causing redness, itching, and various skin conditions


a skin condition marked by itchy, raised welts caused by an allergic reaction or other triggers

csalángyulladás, csalánkiütés